I was hired for a part-time position doing GIS. They know the last time I made maps at a job was years ago and that I am a very new student getting a certificate in GIS. The job description was easy...
Well they want me to create a database for them. I keep asking multiple people what that would look like to them, has anyone tried starting one, what have they been doing before this? I even have started telling them I am lost, I don't even know how to imagine what that would look like, I don't know where to start...
Is this over my head? Or am I just blowing it out of huge proportions?!
I would start with a file geodatabase, unless they require a RDBMS to be used (like SQL Server / PostgreSQL / Oracle).
Here is some doc to help you along: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/help/data/geodatabases/overview/an-overview-of-creating-geo...
You could then at least have all the geospatial data in a single location.
I would agree this is a large task, especially if they do not have anything already, but can be done with lots of questions (as you are already doing).
This is many years late but as someone who is looking into databases out of curiosity, this is an amazing answer and absolutely gives a point for me to start. Thank you!
Look for geodatabase training at Search the Esri Training Catalog
Before getting too far into the "geo" of geodatabases, if your employer wants to track things or people, not just map points, I recommend a general database resource. The book "Database Design for Mere Mortals' by Hernandez explains how to interview users and look at existing data when designing a database.