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Quick look at Utility and Pipeline Data Model 2020

08-27-2020 06:58 AM
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Esri Regular Contributor
3 15 13.2K

By Tom Coolidge and Tom DeWitte

Earlier this month, Esri released Utility and Pipeline Data Model (UPDM) 2020. This release continues Esri’s practice of maintaining a template data model ready “out-of-the-box” to manage natural gas and hazardous liquid pipe system data within an Esri geodatabase. This release includes enhancements to keep up with changes in industry practices and regulatory requirements.


What’s New for 2020

Esri software development staff continue to enhance and evolve the capabilities of the geodatabase. Keeping up with these advancements is an ongoing activity. In addition to the data model representing a best practice on how to leverage the geodatabase, the data model also represents a repository of industry knowledge. Much of the structure and content of this data model is based on feedback from Esri’s many gas and hazardous liquid industry users.

For the 2020 edition, special focus was on three key areas:

  • Incorporation of new geodatabase capabilities
  • Adjusting to address new industry practices and regulatory requirements
  • Feedback from customers


Incorporation of New Geodatabase Capabilities

Two recent enhancements are incorporated into UPDM 2020.  These enhancements are Attribute Rules and Contingent Values.


An attribute rule is an arcade script which automates an edit task such as populating an attribute or defining a utility network association. The script is embedded within the geodatabase. This ensures that the data automation and data assurance properties of the attribute rule are always invoked regardless of the Esri client application performing the edit. With UPDM 2020, attribute rules were added to automate the following edit tasks:

  • Automatically create a containment association when a content feature is spatially contained by or within a distance of a valid container feature.
  • Automatically populate the “material” attribute value with the “assettype” value for those materials which have the same value for “assettype” and “material”. This applies to Cast Iron, Ductile Iron, and Other.

A contingent value is a dynamic constraint on the values in a coded value domain list based on the value set by another attribute which is not the subtype field. In UPDM 2020, a contingent value listing was added to the PipelineLine featureclass to limit the valid choices for the “material” attributes based on the “assettype” value. For example, when the editor is placing a pipe segment with an “assettype” value of “Coated Steel,” the “material” attribute is dynamically constrained to limit an editor’s picklist of materials to only grades of steel (Grade A, Grade X42, Grade X60, etc).


Adjusting to Industry Practices

Keeping up with changes to industry practices and regulatory requirements is a continual effort. For operators in the United States, a new set of federal regulations for onshore transmission pipelines went into effect, on July 1, 2020. One of these regulations is 192.607, Verification of Pipeline Material Properties and Attributes: Onshore steel transmission pipelines.  This new regulation defines changes to what information a transmission operator must maintain for the life of the pipe asset feature. Many people in the industry refer to this new regulatory required industry practice as traceable, verifiable, and complete.

To help onshore transmission operators adopt this new industry practice several changes were made to UPDM 2020.

  • Added attributes to PipelineJunction for managing “X-Ray Number”, and “Joint Coating Type” on fittings.
  • Added attribute to PipelineLine for managing “Mill Test Pressure”, “Heat Number”, and “Joint Number” to improve management of pipe manufacturing data.
  • Added attributes to PipelineDevice for managing “Remote Operation”, “Operator Type”, and “Device Actuator Type” data to improve management of devices with remote operation capabilities.


Enhancements Due to Customer Feedback

Many customers in late 2019 and early 2020 were kind enough to take the time to share lessons learned from their implementation of UPDM 2019. Many of these lessons learned have been incorporated into UPDM 2020. A sampling of changes based on customer feedback include:

  • Increasing the text field length of the PipelineLine attribute, LocationDescription from 100 to 255.
  • Changing the default value for the PipelineLine attributes, WarningTape and TraceWire from “Yes” to “No” for the subtype “Transmission Pipe”.
  • Add the subtype “Pipe Bend” to the PipelineJunction featureclass to better support transmission data management.
  • Move “P_PipeCrossing” featureclass into the PipeSystem feature dataset to support use as a linear referenced event with the ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing solution


Gas and Pipeline Enterprise Data Management

For many gas utility and pipeline enterprises, deploying the ArcGIS platform that leverages the concepts of a service-oriented webgis is more than loading the UPDM 2020 data model into an enterprise geodatabase. It requires additional steps such as creating an ArcGIS Pro map configured for publishing the data model, publishing of the Pro map to create the required map and feature services and, perhaps, configuring a location referencing system. To help simplify these additional steps performed with UPDM 2020, Esri has embedded UPDM 2020 into a new ArcGIS for Gas solution.  The new solution is called Gas and Pipeline Enterprise Data Management. This solution provides UPDM 2020, sample data, and an ArcGIS Pro project configured with tasks and performance optimized maps. You can access this solution from the Esri ArcGIS For Gas solution site: 


As part of incorporating UPDM 2020 into this new gas industry solution, the data dictionary has been converted into a searchable online web page.  This will simplify searching the previously 800-page data dictionary. You can directly access the new UPDM 2020 online data dictionary from this link: 


For more information about Gas and Pipeline Enterprise Data Management and the additional information it provides, you can read the following storymap.


For those not familiar with UPDM and its goal, here is a quick overview.

What is UPDM

UPDM is a geodatabase data model template for operators of pipe networks in the gas and hazardous liquids industries. UPDM is a moderately normalized data model that explicitly represents each physical component of a gas pipe network from the wellhead to the customer meter, or a hazardous liquids pipe network from the wellhead to the terminal or delivery point, in a single database table object.

UPDM is the only industry model which can manage a single representation of the entire pipe system.  For many companies around the world this single data repository aligns well with enterprise practices to vertically integrate business processes and operations.


The goal of the Esri UPDM is to make it easier, quicker, and more cost-effective for pipeline operators and gas utilities to implement the ArcGIS platform. The Esri UPDM accomplishes this by freely providing a data model that takes full advantage of the capabilities of the geodatabase. The data model is created and tested with ArcGIS products to ensure that it works. This significantly reduces the complexity, time, and cost to implement a spatially enabled hazardous liquid or gas pipe system data repository.

Looking Forward to UPDM 2021

A wise man once said “change is the only constant.” This is a great quote when thinking about UPDM going forward. The Esri development team will continue to enhance the capabilities of ArcGIS. Industry will continue to evolve its practices. To continue adjusting to industry practices and incorporating new ArcGIS capabilities, the Utility and Pipeline Data Model will continue to evolve.  These changes will be constant for many years to come.

Frequent Contributor


I was just checking the Data dictionary (using the link provided above) and I was not able to found neither the layers for DA Survey Readings or the layers related to ILI. Are those layers were removed? What is the strategy to store that information?


Esri Contributor


We have updated the dictionary to include all layers included in the data model for the Gas and Pipeline Data Management for ArcGIS Enterprise solution. I have added the link for you below.

Data Dictionary


Emerging Contributor

@GelisaJoseph  , What would it take to just update the link with the correct data dictionary instead of having an old link above listed in the article and the current data dictionary in comment posts. Having it like this can lead to confusion.

Old Data Dictionary 

New Data Dictionary

Esri Regular Contributor

Excellent suggestion.  I have updated the article to include the correct link.  The "New Data Dictionary" link is now embedded in the article.

Thank you for this recommendation

Tom DeWitte


New Explorer


Is there anyway I can obtain a UPDM data model in Excel format?  or generate one somehow.  I am trying to study the model without any GIS software at the moment.

Thank you,


Emerging Contributor
Allison, you could just look at the data dictionary posted above which will also provide descriptions for field types , domains etc, an excel file might be overwhelming and not provide
Emerging Contributor

The so called 'enhanced data dictionaries' are an absolute pain to navigate if one wants to understand the data model. Why are you complicating the things? I always prefer the HTML version of data dictionary which comes along with the solutions template. 

Frequent Contributor

I try to understand the Data Model:

I started using the "Gas and Pipeline Data Management for ArcGIS Enterprise", I made the deployment of the version 1.2 (it includes a UPDM deployment solution for the version 2020). 

Following the instructions provided in here I tried to prototype a single user  environment with WGS 1984 as Geographical Coordinates Reference system.

Then I enabled APR (no UN), and add some centerlines to the model, create the routes in the Engineering Network, then update the Continuous good.

I wanted to upload some events to the PipelineDevice Feature Class. therefore, I added the feature class to the LRS, prepare a table with the data to upload (name, route, engm, route id, etc. except the geometry). I am using the Append Events tool, then I receive the error message: 

Append Events

Input Event PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures
Target Event PipelineDevice
Field Map ASSETGROUP "Asset group" true false true 4 Long 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,ASSETGROUP,-1,-1;ASSETTYPE "Asset type" true false true 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,ASSETTYPE,-1,-1;TERMINALCONFIGURATION "Terminal Path" true false true 128 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,TERMINALCONFIGURATION,0,128;adddetails "adddetails: Additional Details, Clockwise to Close" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,adddetails,-1,-1;devicestatus "Device Status" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,devicestatus,-1,-1;regulatorytype "Regulatory Type" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,regulatorytype,-1,-1;designtype "Type" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,designtype,-1,-1;accessible "Accessible" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,accessible,-1,-1;yesno "yesno: Drain Valve Indicator, Internal Meter, SCADA Indicator" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,yesno,-1,-1;turnstoclose "Turns to Close" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,turnstoclose,-1,-1;normalposition "Normal Position" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,normalposition,-1,-1;installdate "Install Date" true true false 8 Date 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,installdate,-1,-1;inservicedate "In-Service Date" true true false 8 Date 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,inservicedate,-1,-1;assetid "Asset ID" true true false 64 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,assetid,0,64;serialnumber "Serial Number" true true false 20 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,serialnumber,0,20;ownedby "Owned By" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,ownedby,-1,-1;maintby "Maintained By" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,maintby,-1,-1;lifecyclestatus "Lifecycle Status" true false false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,lifecyclestatus,-1,-1;maopdesign "MAOP Design" true false false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,maopdesign,-1,-1;maoptest "MAOP Test" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,maoptest,-1,-1;maoprecord "MAOP Record" true false false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,maoprecord,-1,-1;depth "Depth" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,depth,-1,-1;depthtonut "Depth to Nut" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,depthtonut,-1,-1;measuredlength "Length" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,measuredlength,-1,-1;diameter "Diameter" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,diameter,-1,-1;maxinletpressure "Max Inlet Pressure" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,maxinletpressure,-1,-1;maxoutletpressure "Max Outlet Pressure" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,maxoutletpressure,-1,-1;setpressureentered "Set Pressure Entered" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,setpressureentered,-1,-1;setpressurestandard "Set Pressure Standard" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,setpressurestandard,-1,-1;symbolrotation "Symbol Rotation" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,symbolrotation,-1,-1;barcode "Barcode" true true false 16 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,barcode,0,16;manufacturer "Manufacturer" true true false 2 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,manufacturer,0,2;manufacturerlotno "Manufacturer Lot #" true true false 4 Long 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,manufacturerlotno,-1,-1;manufacturedate "Manufacture Date" true true false 8 Date 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,manufacturedate,-1,-1;manufacturecomponent "Manufacture Component" true true false 2 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,manufacturecomponent,0,2;material "Material" true true false 2 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,material,0,2;casingmaterial "Casing Material" true true false 20 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,casingmaterial,0,20;devicename "Name" true true false 20 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,devicename,0,20;quantity "Quantity" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,quantity,-1,-1;weight "Weight" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,weight,-1,-1;amperage "Amperage" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,amperage,-1,-1;usage "Usage" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,usage,-1,-1;duration "Duration" true true false 4 Long 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,duration,-1,-1;height "Height" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,height,-1,-1;notes "Notes" true true false 2000 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,notes,0,2000;iscritical "Critical Valve" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,iscritical,-1,-1;flowcapacity "Flow Capacity" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,flowcapacity,-1,-1;permanentindicator "Permanent Indicator" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,permanentindicator,-1,-1;spatialaccuracy "Spatial Accuracy" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,spatialaccuracy,-1,-1;depthunits "Depth Units" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,depthunits,-1,-1;diameterunits "Diameter Units" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,diameterunits,-1,-1;flowcapacityunits "Flow Capacity Units" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,flowcapacityunits,-1,-1;heightunits "Height Units" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,heightunits,-1,-1;lengthunits "Length Units" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,lengthunits,-1,-1;pressureunits "Set Pressure Units" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,pressureunits,-1,-1;maopunits "MAOP Unit of Measure" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,maopunits,-1,-1;usageunits "Usage Units" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,usageunits,-1,-1;usagerateunits "Usage Rate Units" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,usagerateunits,-1,-1;recordingmethod "Recording Method" true true false 25 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,recordingmethod,0,25;regulatorbodytype "Regulator Body Type" true true false 20 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,regulatorbodytype,0,20;outletdiameter "Outlet Diameter" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,outletdiameter,-1,-1;diaphragmdiameter "Diaphragm Diameter" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,diaphragmdiameter,-1,-1;premise "Premise" true true false 10 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,premise,0,10;indoormeter "Indoor Meter" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,indoormeter,-1,-1;operatingclassification "Operating Classification" true true false 40 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,operatingclassification,0,40;maxdifferentialpressure "Max Differential Pressure" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,maxdifferentialpressure,-1,-1;companypaidtelephone "Company Paid Telephone" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,companypaidtelephone,-1,-1;telephonenumber "Telephone Number" true true false 15 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,telephonenumber,0,15;usagerate "Usage Rate" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,usagerate,-1,-1;gpsx "GPS X" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,gpsx,-1,-1;gpsy "GPS Y" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,gpsy,-1,-1;gpsz "GPS Z" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,gpsz,-1,-1;legacyid "Legacy ID" true true false 38 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,legacyid,0,38;workorderid "Work Order ID" true true false 38 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,workorderid,0,38;projectnumber "Project Number" true true false 38 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,projectnumber,0,38;servicesummaryid "Service Summary ID" true true false 38 Guid 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,servicesummaryid,-1,-1;assetunitcode "Asset Unit Code" true true false 38 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,assetunitcode,0,38;eventid "Event ID" true true false 38 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,eventid,0,38;fromdate "From Date" true true false 8 Date 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,fromdate,-1,-1;todate "To Date" true true false 8 Date 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,todate,-1,-1;engrouteid "Engineering Route ID" true true false 38 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,engrouteid,0,38;engroutename "Engineering Route Name" true true false 100 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,engroutename,0,100;engm "Engineering Measure" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,engm,-1,-1;continrouteid "Continuous Route ID" true true false 38 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,continrouteid,0,38;continroutename "Continuous Route Name" true true false 100 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,continroutename,0,100;continm "Continuous Measure" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,continm,-1,-1;refmethod "Reference Method" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,refmethod,-1,-1;reflocation "Reference Location" true true false 50 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,reflocation,0,50;refoffset "Reference Offset" true true false 50 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,refoffset,0,50;bondedinsulated "Bonded/Insulated" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,bondedinsulated,-1,-1;cptraceability "Cathodic Protection Traceability" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,cptraceability,-1,-1;cpoverride "CP Override" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,cpoverride,-1,-1;locationdescription "Location Description" true true false 255 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,locationdescription,0,255;wallthickness "Wall Thickness" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,wallthickness,-1,-1;wallthickness2 "Wall Thickness 2" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,wallthickness2,-1,-1;diameter2 "Diameter 2" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,diameter2,-1,-1;temprating "Temp Rating" true true false 20 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,temprating,0,20;coolingmethod "Cooling Method" true true false 20 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,coolingmethod,0,20;rating "Rating" true true false 8 Double 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,rating,-1,-1;specification "Specification" true true false 30 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,specification,0,30;remoteoperation "Remote Operation" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,remoteoperation,-1,-1;valvekeysize "Valve Key Size" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,valvekeysize,-1,-1;modelnumber "Model Number" true true false 20 Text 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,modelnumber,0,20;deviceactuatortype "Device Actuator Type" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,deviceactuatortype,-1,-1;operatortype "Operator Type" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,operatortype,-1,-1;remotedevicefailtype "Remote Device Fail Type" true true false 2 Short 0 0,First,#,U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\Prototype_APR.gdb\PipelineDevice_FeaturesToUploadEvents_CopyFeatures,remotedevicefailtype,-1,-1
Load Type ADD
Generate Event ID GUIDs for loaded events NO_GENERATE_EVENT_IDS
Output Target Event PipelineDevice
Output Results File U:\Documents\ArcGIS\Projects\Prototype_APR\GP_A9C43.txt

Start Time: 24 August 2021 07:36:39
The target field SHAPE does not allow NULL values, but is not mapped
Failed to execute (AppendEvents).
Failed at 24 August 2021 07:36:40 (Elapsed Time: 1.29 seconds)


I am not able to change the definition of the Pipeline Device, and the tool does not allow me to map the SHAPE field (Let's say I create the geometry, and add it to my table of data) How that should be done???

Occasional Explorer

What is the significance of the 6_ on all the DOMAIN names?



Esri Regular Contributor

Hello Maximo Miller,

The prefix "6_" is an artifact of the Asset Package import process. The import tool adds a "#_" (NOTE: The number is not always "6") to insure that the newly imported domains do not conflict with any existing domains.

Tom DeWitte

Esri Technical Lead Natural Gas and District Energy

Esri Contributor

Hi @Cristian_Galindo,

The error you receive with appending Events to the Pipeline Device feature class is expected because this Feature Class participates in the Utility Network. These base Utility Network Feature Classes have different requirements than APR is expecting for Events.

The Gas and Pipeline Data Management for ArcGIS Enterprise solution is intended to deploy the Utility Network, and as such, there is not a step for deploying the Asset Package without the Utility Network. However, if you enable APR with the UN, all of the Feature Classes which are not participating in the Utility Network (Anomaly, DOTClass, etc.) can facilitate Events. Last, if you wish to use the Utility Network Feature Classes like Pipeline Device or Pipeline Junction, there is a tool to update the Measure and Route ID on these features, which is documented here.

Esri Regular Contributor

Adding to Jason's comments.

You can also leverage the current version of UPDM 2020 and configure it to use only linear referencing functionality.  There are a few steps involved in modifying the 7 featureclasses which are configured with the Utility Network in the downloadable asset package, so that they can be utilized as point or linear events within the ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing framework. If this linear referencing only implementation pattern of UPDM 2020 is what you are looking to implement, you can contact myself ( or Jeff Allen ( for more details.

Tom DeWitte

Esri Technical Lead Natural Gas and District Energy

Frequent Contributor

@JSchroeder thanks for the info, As I mentioned, my geodatabase does not have the UN enable. According to the data dictionary the PipelineDevice FC  is required to store the information of Valves, therefore I would like to use it. 

"Last, if you wish to use the Utility Network Feature Classes like Pipeline Device or Pipeline Junction, there is a tool to update the Measure and Route ID on these features, which is documented here."

This sounds good, the issue is, I do not have features/rows in that feature class (because the error already mentioned), therefore It can not update measure and/or routes ID.

@TomDeWitte thanks a lot for your comment. I will contact you.

Esri Contributor

Hi @Cristian_Galindo,

To make sure we are discussing the same workflow, if you followed the steps in the solution as you outlined, the Utility Network should be enabled. There are options to bypass the Pipeline or Structure domain networks, however, the Utility Network is deployed. To be clear, there is not a step to bypass the creation of the Utility Network, and as Tom mentioned, this would require some workaround.

You should be able to create features, such as valves in the Pipeline Device feature class and store measures and route ID on them (not the same as loading an Event). This feature class in this solution is intended to be used in the Utility Network, and has requirements which will not allow the loading of Events.

ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing manages Events, which cannot participate in the Utility Network (Device, Line, Junction, Assembly, SubnetLine). These feature classes can store 'Event information' using the 'Update Measures from LRS' tool, but they cannot participate as true Events. To reiterate, all the other feature classes in the UPDM which are not participating in the Utility Network can be modeled as Events.

For more information on Pipeline Referencing here is a very useful post: ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing - Useful Resources 

Frequent Contributor

Hello!!!!! again.....

I just download the version 2.1 of the Gas and Pipeline Referencing Utility Network Foundation. I started reviewing the Data dictionary and I want to be sure to have the latest, proper version of it.

Inside the project downloaded  there is a link to the data dictionary, I start checking and found this:




Is this the latest version (of the data dictionary)?

Also found this discrepancy between the included data dictionary, and the online version:


I am trying to browse in the online version of the data dictionary, to me, the fact that not having the list sorted, make a little difficult to browse, and find objects (Yes, I know there is a "Search" option).

Thanks a lot for your support.

About the Author
Technical Lead for Natural Gas Industry at Esri