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FileGDBException Question/Help

07-26-2013 01:16 AM
New Contributor III
I have this routine that pumps data to a fgdb table but some reason I'm getting the below error for certain fields.  There doesn't seem to be a pattern that I can put my finger on.  In the example below the first two fields get set properly, but when the ADR field attempts to set then the error occurs.  The data type is exactly the same as the FCODE, and the columns all exist in the destination database with the correct names, and corresponding data types.   I get this same thing with another feature class but the data type there is an integer.  Anybody ever encountered this or have any ideas about what may be going on?

ADR: noInformation

Esri.FileGDB.FileGDBException: An expected Field was not found or could not be retrieved properly.

This is the line of code that throws the error. I know for a fact that my parameters have values because I print them out for verification and it is where the list above came from.
_fgdbRow.SetString(_colName, dr.GetString(col));

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1 Reply
New Contributor III
The most likely explanation is that the variable _colName has not been set or has a typo.
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