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Welcome to Experience Builder Tips and Tricks

10-24-2023 06:38 AM
MVP Regular Contributor
19 0 2,060

Hi, this is Experience Builder Tips and Tricks. It is intended to be a collaborative space were Experience Builder designers can share best practices, guides, tips and workarounds for making the best possible Experiences. Before we get started, I'd like to explain why this place exists, how it should be used, what it is and what it isn't.

Why are we here?

I would like to start out by saying I have nothing but respect for the Experience Builder team. They set out to create a platform that is both extremely flexible and easy-to-use and they were very successful at it. As a developer, I appreciate how hard that is. "Flexible" and "easy-to-use" are possibly the most difficult goals in software development and to make matters worse they are in mutual conflict. After all, the easiest way to make something easy-to-use is to make something that only does one thing and the easiest way to make something flexible is to offer an overwhelming amount of options. So, sometimes things that feel like they should be easy are easy but not easy to find and sometimes things that feel like they should be easy are hard or take some lateral thinking. 

The Experience Builder Questions board is full of people asking similar questions, but there is no place in the standard ESRI Community boards for a user to post an answer without a question and the old answers are not easy to search. This place is intended to supplement the ESRI documentation and Community boards with this blog being a relatively small, easily searchable list of solutions to common problems. 

How it should be used?

  • The Blog will be a curated list of guides either created by group leaders (myself and @DavidDas__GISP for now, but we would like to expand) or taken from the Questions board.
  • The Questions board is not for asking questions. It is an open space for users to post their own guides, tips and tricks. Guides that are "high quality and original" will be moved to the Blog, so other users can find them more easily. Users are also welcome to post requests for guides to common issues, but I strongly encourage you to try writing the guide yourself. If you can write the request, you can probably write the answer.  

What this place is?

  • A place for Experience Builder designers to share guides, tips, tricks and easily overlooked stuff, so we can all make better Experiences with fewer headaches.
  • Guides can be as simple as how to find this button...
  • Or as complicated as a step-by-step tutorial to building a full application,
  • But they should be generally relevant to a large number of users. 

What this place isn't?

What this place really isn't?

  • A place to complain about Experience Builder. It's not helpful and I don't need all that negativity in my life.
About the Author
A frequently confused rock-hound that writes ugly, but usually functional code.