Widget layout/styling question - first widget!

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New Contributor III

Hi, I built my very first EXB 1.15 React/Typescript widget and it works! The only issue I have now is figuring out how to do CSS so that it fits within a grid layout and doesn't flow off the page and adds a scroll bar. I have made this work by hacking the CSS and giving the Div a height but I'd like to be able to add it to any layout box and have that work. It could be I just haven't found the right layout widget to place it into?

The widget is a Layer Control type of widget that takes all the layers, Feature, Image and Map Image, in a Web Map and put then into a radio button list so you can toggle the layers and only display one layer at a time. The problem I face is the layer list gets long and goes off the page outside of the layout. I'd rather have it stay within the window and add a scroll bar. I have made it behave correctly by giving a height to the Div but I'd rather have this work automatically when I add the widget to a layout box. Any ideas?


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