Popup/Identify Controller

4 weeks ago

Popup/Identify Controller

Is there a thing on your map you normally want popups to work on, but it's super annoying right now? Or maybe there's a thing that usually just there as a graphical reference, but you want to know more about it at the moment? Introducing, the Identify Controller...

With this widget, your users can turn on or off popups for individual layers with the click of a checkbox.


This works by toggling the popupEnabled property of a FeatureLayer and is compatible with both the basic map popup and the Identify Custom Widget.  

The layer list stays in-sync with the layers in your map whether they are in your webmap or loaded or removed at runtime.

The widget uses a recursive React component (apparently, they are possible) to display GroupLayers in dropdown menus regardless of how many levels deep they go.

Layers that cannot be identified will appear in the list greyed out with no checkbox and the words (Not Identifiable) to clarify to users. Note: this widget was only designed for compatibility with FeatureLayers. MapImageLayers will also appear as unidentifiable regardless of if they are popup enabled.  

Version history
Last update:
4 weeks ago
Updated by: