Note: This is an EB 1.7 Widget (not backward compatible).
Live Preview Site
(In the live preview site then a map toggle in the lower left that allows you to test different maps, One has a simple single point layer and the other has multiple layers, polygon and raster, that have pop-ups defined)
- The widget allows shows the content of the maps pop-up in a panel.
- The widget does not paginate the results it concatenates then in this on panel. What the means is there is no next and previous for multiple pop-up results, they are all listed together and you just scroll down to see them all.
- If this widget is used in a application template that uses a sidebar (like Jewelry box or Pocket templates) then the widget can be set to auto open an close the sidebar
To install this widget extract the contents of the zip file to your EB\client\your-extensions\widgets. So once you extract the whole path would look like: \client\your-extensions\widgets\FeaturePanel. Refresh your client and server windows (easiest way is to close both and 'npm start' them like you normally do to start EB). Now the Feature Panel widget will appear in your apps widget menu. Add the widget to your app. Now use the widgets settings panel to configure the widget.
What's New:
- Fix selection reloading when app is reloaded