Note: This is an EB 1.9 Widget (not backward compatible).
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Changes in 1.9
Older Changes in 1.7.1:
- Auto Close Popup now works.
- Added "Coordinate precision in popup results" setting that controls the number of digits to the right of the decimal for coordinates listed in the pop-up.
- Setting the "WKID for coordinates displayed in popup" now controls the only displayed coordinates in the popup (no longer does it display the map WKID or the set WKID and Lat and Lon coordinates). If this value is not set then coordinates will be displayed as the maps WKID.
- Fixed some widget settings getting entered in the config as strings instead of numbers as expected.
- Locate an address (like the search widget, but gives you the ability to limit the address search to the maps current extent).
- Locate coordinates using user defined spatial reference coordinates (i.e. DMS, State Plane, Etc).
- Reverse Geocode capability called Address Inspection. Address Inspection is clicking on the map and getting the address of the map click point.
To install this widget extract the contents of the zip file to your EB\client\your-extensions\widgets. So once you extract the whole path would look like: \client\your-extensions\widgets\eLocate. Refresh your client and server windows (easiest way is to close both and 'npm start' them like you normally do to start EB). Now the draw widget will appear in your apps widget menu. Add the widget to your app. Now use the widgets settings panel to configure the widget.
Enjoy, Robert