Get Ready for an Excellent MOOC Experience

02-14-2020 04:42 PM
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Esri Regular Contributor
52 33 26.4K

Updated March 13, 2024

So you heard about one of our upcoming free massive open online courses and you're interested in the topic. As someone who's always on the lookout for opportunities to grow their skills and develop professionally, you take the plunge and register for the course. You add the course start date to your calendar and even block off time each week to attend. Nice! All you need to do now is wait patiently for the course to open.

Or is it?

Taking an Esri MOOC is a low-risk strategy to explore a new topic, test-drive ArcGIS software, feed your curiosity, and live out a lifelong learning goal. Courses are free, Esri provides the software, and if it turns out that work/life responsibilities are eating up all your free time, you don't have to keep attending. You're in complete control of the experience.

And there are a few things you can do before the course opens to help ensure your experience is excellent. Such as...

Understand the course setup and ArcGIS accounts. 

A MOOC includes multiple sections, each of which includes videos, discussions, quizzes, and one or more step-by-step exercises. Each week, a new section opens early Wednesday morning (Pacific time). Completing a section takes about 2-3 hours, though individual time will vary.

One Course, Two ArcGIS Accounts

  • To access the course environment (watch the videos, participate in discussions, complete exercises, take quizzes, etc.), go to Esri Academy, sign in with the same ArcGIS account that you used to register for the course, then start or resume the course from your My Schedule page.
  • To complete the course exercises, you use an ArcGIS account created by Esri for your use in the MOOC. This "ArcGIS exercise account" provides access to all the ArcGIS software and credits needed to complete each exercise, and it has a unique naming convention that includes the course abbreviation. Your exercise account username and password are provided to you inside the course.

At the beginning of each exercise, you'll open a second (incognito) browser window and sign into your ArcGIS exercise account. The exercise instructions will step you through the process—it's easy and soon will feel like second nature.

Key Takeaway: In a MOOC, you use two accounts: 1) your own ArcGIS public or organizational account to register and access the course environment on Esri Academy, and 2) an Esri-provided ArcGIS account for the exercises. 

  • Tip: If you're ever unable to resume a MOOC (i.e., access the course environment on Esri Academy) or if you see an "Esri access is not enabled" message when trying to access the software during an exercise, there's a strong chance you've accidentally signed in with the wrong account. Try signing out, then signing in with the correct account.

Understand the software setup.

As just mentioned, everyone who joins an Esri MOOC is given a temporary ArcGIS account that's been assigned the software licenses, permissions, and credits needed to complete the exercises. This account is for use inside the course and is active only while the course is open.

If you're attending a MOOC that uses ArcGIS Pro:

  • The first course exercise will step you through the process to download ArcGIS Pro and install it. Your computer must meet the ArcGIS Pro system requirements
  • If you want to complete the exercises using a school or work computer that has ArcGIS Pro installed, you can as long as you're able to use a Named User license and sign in using the Esri-provided MOOC ArcGIS Online organizational account. Talk with your IT administrator to confirm you can do this.
    • Note: MOOC exercises are written for ArcGIS Pro 3.x. If your organization uses ArcGIS Pro 2.x, complete the hands-on exercises using a home PC or a workplace machine that doesn't have ArcGIS Pro 2.x installed on it.
  • If you're brand-new to ArcGIS Pro, it's helpful to get familiar with the interface and terminology before the course starts. Use this free web course to do that.

Two screens are better than one.

In course exercises, you follow the step-by-step instructions and work with ArcGIS software at the same time. You can certainly navigate between two windows on a single screen, but many MOOC participants find it easier to view the instructions on a separate monitor (or tablet/smartphone) and complete the ArcGIS project on their primary monitor. If you don't have the luxury of two screens, printing the instructions may be a good alternative.

Be on the lookout for the green check mark. 

To earn a certificate of completion, you need to complete all content in the course (except for optional activities like stretch exercises). In the course table of contents, a green check mark will display after you complete each item. 

If you don't see a green check mark next to an item, take action and complete it before the course closing date. Your hard work should be rewarded with a certificate, and we can't extend course access after the closing date.

Have fun.

Esri MOOCs are designed to introduce and extend your knowledge of the topic, and everyone learns better when they're engaged and having fun. Consider this: Any time you're in the course, thousands of other people are too. Someone may be watching the exact same video at the exact same time as you from a desk (or couch or coffee shop) on the other side of the international date line. A little mind-blowing.

Visit the discussion forum, share your thoughts, help fellow learners out by answering questions when you can, and enjoy the feeling of community that's a hallmark of Esri MOOCs.


Good Day,

       I have been trying to access my esri page with my details to start my MOOC training but i have not be able to do that. what could be the issue

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi, I'm not sure. To start the MOOC, you need to go to the My Schedule page and sign in with the ArcGIS account you used when you registered for the course. Are you able to sign in?

New Explorer

I have no prior experience in the python language, I am interested in Spatial Data Science MOOC, so any Prerequisites ?

New Explorer

I use a Mac and apparently, ArcGIS doesn't have a mac version. What are my options?

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @AswinK, familiarity with statistics and Python will be helpful for the Spatial Data Science MOOC but is not required. We recommend you sign up for the course and have fun learning about these interesting topics. 🙂 There will be plenty of step-by-step instructions and videos to teach you about Python.

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @iwumexies, Esri does not offer a native version of ArcGIS Pro for MacOS, but the software can run on a Windows partition or a virtual machine. This document provides helpful details:

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @AswinK, as Katie mentioned, Python experience is not an absolute requirement to attend the Spatial Data Science MOOC. However, if you want a Python introduction, this free web course is a great resource:

New Explorer

what to do if my laptop does not have the minimum requirements for ArcGIS Pro 3.0? and I don't have a company I'm talking this course by myself, I mean I don't have another option to use!
thank you  

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Pauline, one option is to read through the ArcGIS Pro exercises to understand the workflows and tools covered (reading exercises will give you the "green check mark" that indicates you've completed that lesson). Also, not all course exercises use ArcGIS Pro, about half of them use ArcGIS Online. Thanks for joining the course, I hope you're enjoying it.

Occasional Explorer


I have been trying to download my ArcGIS Pro, but I was asked to connect to an organization before downloading. I have sent a permission request. I am not sure how long I have to wait for my request to be granted since the class opens on the 5th Oct. Is there anything else I should do? Thanks!

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi, it sounds like you're joining the Spatial Data Science MOOC—this is one of our most popular, I hope you enjoy it! In the first section, there will be detailed instructions on downloading ArcGIS Pro and accessing the course ArcGIS Online organization (we'll provide you with a specific ArcGIS account to do this). It's not possible to access the organization until the course officially opens. In the meantime, all you need to do is make sure the machine you're using to take the course meets the ArcGIS Pro system requirements. And get ready to learn a lot. 🙂

Occasional Explorer

Good evening,

I read the system requirements for ArcGIS PRO setup, but unfortunately, my laptop has only 4 GB RAM and it is less than the minimum requirements for the setup.
Is that mean I can't join this course?

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi, you are very welcome to join the course. 🙂 The videos, discussions, and quizzes will help you learn the topic, and reading through the exercises is useful to understand ArcGIS analytical tools and workflows that are widely used around the world. If applicable, you could check with your school or workplace IT team to see if you could borrow or access a machine that meets the ArcGIS Pro system requirements for the six weeks of this course.

New Explorer

Thank you

That's really helpful 

New Explorer

Thank you

New Explorer

I already have an organizational account that I used for registering for the course and is also licensed for ArcGIS Pro and Online. 

Do I still need to log out of my account and use the provided learning license?

Occasional Explorer
Some of the exercises require the consumption of credits.

It's in your best interest to use the assigned account for the class so
you're not using credits from your organization.
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @ManarAleryani, in addition to credits that support exercise tasks, the provisioned course organizational account provides access to all the ArcGIS software used in the course and is configured to have the user type, role, and privileges needed to complete course exercises. If you're able to sign into the course organization from your existing ArcGIS Pro software and you want to use your ArcGIS Pro software for the exercises, you can...but Esri will not be able to provide technical support if you use a different account.

New Explorer


Esri Regular Contributor

Hi, you should be able to access the course by going to and signing in with the same ArcGIS account you used to register.  

New Explorer

I am realy excited to attend this MOOC.

New Explorer

I am ready for an excellent experience.

Occasional Explorer

Why ArcGIS does not run on MAC? Why ESRI did not develop the software for MAC users?

Occasional Explorer

Hi there, I am trying to log in as today is the first day of the MOOC, but it shows me that the website not reachable! does anyone have the same problem like me? If no, where can I find the first MOOC lesson?

Thanks, Motaz

Occasional Explorer

Hi, I have the same timed out problem here. I lost the Mooc main page and I can't go back to it.

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @MAziz_21 and @SérgioCordeiro , the MOOC appears to be opening fine now. Let us know if you're still experiencing an issue. Tip: If a page doesn't load, click Ctrl+Refresh to clear your cache and reload the page.

Occasional Explorer

Hello @Suzanne-Boden thank you for the feedback and the tip. It is opneing now.

Deactivated User

Thank you for your information

New Explorer

OK, thank you!

New Explorer

Hi @Suzanne-Boden , I follow your advice and to prepare for the MOOC training this week, I take the online ArcGIS Pro training. I try to access to the software (ArcGIS Online) but can't figure out the link nor account. Is the account to ArcGIS Online only provided to me when I start the MOOC training? Would appreciate your advice on way to do the ArcGIS Pro training prior to MOOC. Thanks

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @DiepVu , you will get assigned ArcGIS Online credentials inside the MOOC (username and initial password). Look for your account  information on the Lessons tab of the course interface.

New Explorer

Thanks. My MOOC hasn't start and I don't see any credential at the moment. I should wait till the MOOC training starts to get access to the ArcGIS Online, correct?

Esri Regular Contributor

Correct (and the MOOC opens in about 15 hours, I hope you enjoy the experience!). 🙂

About the Author
Suzanne is a Maryland native who enjoys writing about Esri technology and other topics. She is the Training Marketing Manager with Esri Training Services in Redlands, California.