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Changes Coming to the Training Site

05-24-2018 09:24 AM
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Esri Regular Contributor
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It's official: next month we're releasing a new version of (and some exciting enhancements to) the Training site. The new site features an updated design and new tools to strengthen learner engagement, support focused learning goals, and personalize the user experience. One thing that's not changing: our laser focus on providing easy access to authoritative learning resources that support individuals and organizations using the ArcGIS platform.


Here's a sneak preview of two features you can expect to see in late June.


Interactive Curriculum Map


The Training catalog houses hundreds of professionally curated resources created by Esri education specialists and subject matter experts. Resources are available in a variety of e-Learning and instructor-led formats.


Given the number of available resources, it can be challenging to determine which resources best meet your unique learning needs, how resources relate to one another, and how to sequence through them. Interactive functionality on the new site helps solve this challenge.


Users will be able to select high-level ArcGIS topics and drill down to see related, focused topics. As they go deeper, a progressively more targeted set of related resources displays. Site users will be able to quickly filter hundreds of learning resources to a very manageable level.


Learning Plan Enhancements


Esri-created learning plans were introduced two years ago to help ArcGIS users build knowledge and skills on specific topics. Each plan contains a set of resources that individuals complete at their own pace. They track their progress through a plan on their My Learning Plans page. On the new site, Esri-created learning plans will still be available.


But there's more! On the new Training site, after identifying resources that meet your needs, you will have the option to add those resources to a learning plan. Yes, you can create your own custom learning plans—from scratch or by making a copy of an Esri-created plan and then adding or removing items to reflect your personal learning goals and interests.


Just like on Pinterest, where you create your own boards and pin interesting items to them, as you explore the Training catalog, with a single click you will be able to add interesting items to your own learning plans. 


Esri Training catalog cards with Add to learning plan feature


You can create as many learning plans as you like and you can share them if you want—with specific individuals or publicly so they are available to all Training site users. 


And there's more! Learning plan enhancements are directly based on customer feedback. Managers have told us they want a mechanism to leverage their unlimited e-Learning benefit, train new ArcGIS users, support professional development paths, and prepare team members for GIS projects. Educators have told us they want an easy way to assign Esri e-Learning to their students. On the new Training site, you will be able to assign learning plans (Esri-created or custom) and monitor individuals' progress through the plan. Learning plan reports will be available through the Training site.


Lifelong Learning Anytime, Anywhere


The Training site is designed around the idea that authoritative ArcGIS learning resources should be easy to access at any time, from anywhere. With the rapid pace of technology change, individuals and organizations that prioritize lifelong learning will be well positioned to take advantage of new opportunities to gain insight, add value, and advance their goals.


The Training site is where you go to find up-to-date ArcGIS learning resources. In late June, it will also be the place to set and achieve your own learning goals, on a timeline that works for you.


Related post: Introducing Our What's Next

Emerging Contributor


Deactivated User

Great Job!

For a long time, I was waiting for this news.

I hope the new site will be integrated and more readable.

Esri Regular Contributor

Glad to hear this is welcome news, Sahar. I hope (and think) you'll enjoy and get value from the new capabilities.

New Member

Looking forward!! Cant wait

Occasional Contributor

This I looking forward to and I need to get back into training mode, at least an hour a week. How much training is enough to keep you current would be a good question?

Frequent Contributor

Is this happening today because we can't seem to access anything regarding training this morning.

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Carmen, the new site pages went live last evening (Pacific time). Could you provide more info on the issues you're having so we can investigate?

Frequent Contributor


This is what we are seeing. This is at It does not matter if we are logged in or not. This is all we see. Three people here are seeing the same thing. Checked multiple browsers. In IE, I see even less. The image below is from Chrome.

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi George, the answer depends on your specific workflows, how you use ArcGIS to support those workflows, and which ArcGIS products you use. And the amount of time you have to dedicate to learning. ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online alone have quarterly releases that are introducing new tools and capabilities. 

One hour of training per week could be a great rule of thumb, but you may benefit from more or less depending on your circumstances. On our team, we're encouraged to continually build our skills--by taking a classroom course or two each quarter and by consuming self-paced e-Learning whenever time permits.

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Carmen,

I'm not seeing your image and the link opens the Training homepage correctly for me. Could you attach the image?

Frequent Contributor

Frequent Contributor

Developer tools output for the page:

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Carmen, we will investigate and I'll let you know what we find. It may be the new security on your side is conflicting with our site. In any case, it's always a good idea to try a hard refresh of your browser (Ctrl+click your refresh icon) just to see if that clears the issue up. 

Regular Contributor

I really like the new interface - much easier - thanks!

(one think I'm not so keen on is that the browse by topic is more prominent than the browse by product but I suspect that is just my brain reacting to a new way to looking at things)

Esri Regular Contributor

Thanks for the feedback, Jennifer. We're always looking to improve the site by analyzing data about how users find training. The position of the product filter may change at some point.

About the Author
Suzanne is a Maryland native who enjoys writing about Esri technology and other topics. She is the Training Marketing Manager with Esri Training Services in Redlands, California.