Esri Exam Preparation Resources

04-10-2023 07:24 AM
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Esri Exam Preparation Resources

Key Resources to Esri Technical Certification Exam selection and preparation: Esri Academy, Exam Information Guide, ArcGIS Documentation, and Esri Community.

  • While these are the authoritative key resources, it is important to remember that these exam preparation resources are suggestions. Completing suggested resources will not guarantee a passing score on an exam. 
  • The focus of this article is to outline the exam preparation resources available and how to use them. After reviewing this article, you may want to personalize your experience, with these 3-Steps to Selecting Your Esri Certification Exam, or review some exam day preparation tips.


Exam Selection & Preparation Begins with Esri Academy

Visit our website and click 'View all certification exams' button to view our exam cards on Esri Academy.

  • Once you've selected and exam, add it to your 'Wish List' until you are ready to purchase your exam voucher. Read this article to learn more.
  • Each exam has a complementary Esri Learning Plan, but we encourage you to explore your options by visiting the webpage, search for 'Certification' or create your own custom learning plan. 
  • If you've identified a skills gap, visit the Esri Academy's Course Catalog to browse by topic or select product specific resources to support your exam preparation efforts.


Exam Information Guides (EIG) are Exam Specific

Esri Technical Certification Exams are designed to test a candidate’s knowledge, comprehension, and application of ArcGIS workflows, each exam is unique and so is the complementary EIG. Exam Information Guides, located on the Exam Details page in Esri Academy, will always be the primary exam specific resource but you'll want to also review Esri product resources to ensure that you are up-to-date with industry usage of the software and best practices.  

  • Visit our website
  • Click 'View all certification exams' button to view our exam cards on Esri Academy
  • Click the button to download an EIG


Review Best Practices with ArcGIS Documentation

One of the most important product resources is the product's ArcGIS Documentation. By reviewing this information, you can refresh your memory on best practices, industry workflows, and sometimes learn something new about the product. 

  • Locate the best practices for the exam you are studying
  • Review the exam information guide to determine if your skills and experience align with that being tested on in the exam. 
  • Think about the workflows you use most and least with the product to determine if any workflows have changed since the last software version.


Esri Technical Certification in Esri Community

Our place in Esri Community is our main authoritative location to provide program updates.

  • Here's our main blog, explaining how we organize our content, allowing you to focus your reading about exam selection and preparation resources.
  • We also recommend you subscribe and engage with the industry and product places that best align with your exam.
  • If you're new to Esri Community, here's a Getting Started with Esri Community video. 


-- Best to you on your certification journey!


About the Author
I manage the Esri Technical Certification Program, engaging with Esri-certified subject matter experts to create high-stakes certification exams.