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2022 User Conference Preview from Esri Press

06-27-2022 07:00 AM
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We're back to an in-person Esri User Conference this year, and we're excited to connect with our users and educators. We've planned exciting activities, special book displays, and swag (we hear the resounding yesss). Keep reading to see what we have planned for you!


Book signings

Like us, our authors are also excited to reconnect with their readers and users. Below is a list of the authors that will be signing copies of their books at the specified day and time.

breece-robertson (1).jpgProtecting_Places_RGB_large.jpg

Breece Robertson

The author of Protecting the Places We Love will be signing on Tuesday, July 12, from 9:45am to 10:45am.

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Sarah Bell

The author of Mapping by Design will be signing on Wednesday, July 13, from 1pm to 2pm.

kenneth-field (1).jpgThematic Mapping cover 201029.jpg

Kenneth Field

The author of Thematic Mapping will be signing on Thursday, July 14, from 1pm to 2pm.


You can attend a signing by visiting the Esri Press booth in the Grand Lobby, across from the Esri store. Books are available for purchase in the Esri store.


Pitch sessions

New for Esri UC: Pitch session for all of our aspiring Esri Press authors! We will be having two 1-hour sessions where attendees can sit with one of our acquisitions editors and give a pitch about their book idea in under 10-15 minutes.

Stop by our booth on Tuesday, July 12, from 2:30pm to 3:30pm or Wednesday, July 13, from 2:30pm to 3:30pm, and be sure to bring a draft outline or TOC.


Book proofs on display

We will have forthcoming books on display. These books are not available to the public yet, but as an Esri UC attendee, you have access to browsing these books before the public.


A new edition of Switching to ArcGIS Pro from ArcMap is publishing in print in August, with the e-book available the week of Esri UC. Attendees will be able to flip through an early copy of the book at the Esri Press booth and then buy a copy of the book at the Esri store before it becomes available to the public.




GTKWeb5_cover_RGB_large.jpgAnother book with a new edition arriving this summer is Getting to Know Web GIS, fifth edition. This book is publishing only in e-book format, but a print proof will be available at our booth for attendees to peruse.





Spatial-Business-cover-CMYK-large.jpgA forthcoming release for later this year is Spatial Business, authored by professors at the University of Redlands. A 3-chapter preview of this book will be on display for attendees to browse, as well.






Booth swag

For all of the attendees who love to collect Esri merch, we will have special items available for our booth visitors.

Buttons! We will have different button designs featuring the book series Women and GIS and our latest children's book series, The Locators.

Posters! Multiple types of posters will be available, including ones for Women and GIS, The Locators, and Ken Field's first book with Esri Press, Cartography.

Miscellaneous! Oh my! Bookmarks with information about the desk copy program for educators and flyers for both our children's book catalog and our forthcoming books will also be available. 


Special book signing

Attendees will have the opportunity to attend a special book signing with Dr. Lilian Pintea and Emmanuel Mtiti from the Jane Goodall Institute on Monday night, July 11. During the Map Gallery reception, both members of JGI will be signing copies of the organization's forthcoming book with Esri Press, Local Voices, Local Choices. Come early: The first 200 books signed also receive a book plate signed by Dr. Jane Goodall that will be affixed to the inside front cover.



Books can be purchased in the Map Gallery during the signing or at the Esri store before the signing.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up on updates from Esri UC and more. We look forward to seeing you in San Diego!

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About the Author
I create marketing plans for our books and events, develop campaigns, and lead our email strategy. Outside of work, you can find me caring for and admiring my indoor plants, gaming, or enjoying a good jigsaw puzzle.