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Find Data Tool in Flex Viewer Sample only returns 10 results

09-08-2010 08:03 PM
Frequent Contributor
I was asked to change the number of results returned in the Find Data tool in the Flex Viewer sample. But its not clear how to do this.  Should be a Config setting but its not. 
So if not a config setting, where, in code to do this?

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor
What's happening is the default max return results from a REST API response is 10 (see the REST API syntax at

In the current example widget, there is no UI for a user to configure the number of return results at runtime. 

On the server side, however, you can leverage the REST API syntax and increase the number of results using the 'max' parameter.  For example, you can edit the GeoportalSearchWidget.xml to set the max number of results returned, as in:
<gptEndpoint url="rest/find/document?max=20" name="Default Site"/>

good luck  -Clive
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