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Temporal Renderer in JS API 4.x

02-15-2023 10:08 AM
Occasional Contributor

I'm rewriting an application that uses a TimeSlider to display movements of features in a temporal feature layer. The features represent vehicle locations and state at a given time, and the goal is to symbolize the movement of the vehicles as they move on the road as users navigate the TimeSlider.

The older version of the app worked beautifully with the use of a Temporal Renderer. However a new version of the app that uses JS API 4x is required and looks like TemporalRenders aren't supported in 4x yet.

I've tried using other techniques to achieve the animation effect. For example, using FeatureFilters to remove older features, or using applyEdits to modify attributes that work in conjunction with uniqueValuesRenderer.

These do work to a certain extent, but the effect is somewhat jarring. The new features that meet the TimeSlider's current value sort of flash in, and the older feature that are supposed to disappear or switch into a breadcrumb symbol took a fraction of second to convert, so while the animation is playing the users would see duplicates briefly. 

Are there any plans to bring temporal renderers back in JS API 4x? If not then are there other things that I can try?


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