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Running a query against a webmap returning multiple features with a common identifier

02-27-2017 04:05 PM
Emerging Contributor

Good Day All,

What am I trying ? I am trying to run a url query against a webmap and return all the parcels with the same group id. We want to add this to a report to insert a map showing only selected parcels on a basemap background.

My Problem at the moment ? I am not sure if this can be done the way I want to do it. I have a parcel layer with parcels grouped with a unique id. (See parcels colored according to the group id PICA.jpg)PICA

I run the following url query against the webmap.

The group of parcels are selected, 11 in this case. In the browser it shows one parcel selected with a popup window on it, the popup show 11 parcels seleceted. By clicking on the play button you can scroll and see the attributes for all 11.

Is there a way of showing all 11 parcels selected on a map without having  the popup ?

Thanks for the support.


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