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"i" support tables out of sync with feature class tables

01-22-2024 02:50 AM
Occasional Contributor II

We have a Postgres backed geodatabase which among other things has a few non-spatial tables (statskogsmaavilt in the example below). 

These tables have been written to by using raw SQL statements - which, I suspect, created a problem.

I am now using the REST API to write into the non-spatial tables and am getting exceptions like 

Unable to perform applyEdits operation. Error: Underlying DBMS error [ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "r129_sde_rowid_uk"
DETAIL:  Key (rid)=(471) already exists. (X.Y.statskogsmaavilt)::SQLSTATE=23505] [StatskogSmaavilt].

I suspect the "i" support table's base_id / last_id is out of sync with what is actually in the given table.

Is there a way to correct this?


I have observed how the data in the "i" table change when I ran applyEdits on a table that is not corrupted but I could not find a pattern (sometimes it would create a new object with objectid of base_id and increment the  base_id in the "i"  table but other times it would increment by ~40 or use a value that is lower than the current value of  base_id )

I also inspected the relevant  sde.iXY_get_ids function and concluded it should just simply increment but that was contradictory to what I observed above.


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