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Popups with Related Fields

06-15-2015 11:49 AM
Regular Contributor

Is there a way to display the contents of a related field in the PopUp window?

I am using SDE featureclasses and a related table from a different SQL DB.

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2 Replies
Deactivated User

Hi Alex,

Here are some samples showing you how to query/edit related records using javascript api.

Query and edit related records(showing up in infowindow):

Query and edit related records | ArcGIS API for JavaScript

Query related records(showing up in table 😞

Query related records | ArcGIS API for JavaScript

by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Chen_Li-esristaff is the sample broken? Perhaps from the API autoupdate? Nothing comes up in window on the right side in the table. Error in the console. This looks like an interesting sample though...

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