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Open app with token

09-04-2023 04:58 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hello all! 

At our company we have an ArcGIS Dashboard app that we display on a big screen. Every evening the Raspberry Pi that is connected to the screen (and running the dashboard) is turned of en every morning it is turned on again. The opening of the dashboard than goes automatically. Unfortunately every day we are prompted with the loginwindow of our ArcGIS enterprise environment when the dashboard is loading.

I was hoping to automate the login into ArcGIS. I wrote a small python script to get an access token for the build in user that can do only one thing and that is showcase the dashboard. But I can't seem to find an option to login to the app with the token ( doesn't work). Does anyone knows if it is possible to login to ArcGIS app with just a token? (preferable with Python)


1 Reply
Esteemed Contributor

If you don't get an answer, you could try:

  1. Asking the moderators to move this post to the ArcGIS Enterprise Questions community: 
  2. Or if that doesn't work, you could just create a new post in that community.
  3. You could also consider submitting an idea. That would hopefully get you a response from Esri staff. If the functionality already exists, then Esri staff are usually pretty quick to let you know. 

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