Just not sure if I choose the correct place to post this question. As I have my layers in ArcSDE, and using them as part of an AGOL Webmap, as I try then to have it visualized from other AGOL users, they must always (at least one time) to install "manually" the server certification within their Web Browser.
So, is there a way to have this self-signed certificate installed automatically, or at least prompt it to have it installed once they surf to the AGOL web map?
Hi Juanma,
You're best option, especially if you are creating web maps/apps for the public, is to have a CA-signed certificate:
Difference between a self-signed certificate and a CA-signed certificate – KEMP Technologies
If this is not an option, I would talk to your IT about distributing the certificate to client computers using a group policy:
Distribute Certificates to Client Computers by Using Group Policy | Microsoft Docs