I am using Python and I have two Shapefiles. One is a grid with equal Polygons and the other one is a shapefile representing a water network. I would like to count the pipe length in each cell of this grid. I have tried an overlay method but it returns an empty dataframe whereas both shapefiles have the same CRS.
print("Maillage/canalisation intersection...") gdf_intersection_maille_cana=gpd.overlay(gdf_maillage,gdf_cana_total,how='intersection') print(gdf_intersection_maille_cana) print("Maillage/canalisation intersection done ! ")
The second step would be to count the length in each grid but I don't really how to proceed. Once I have counted, the objective is to create a new column in my gdf_maillage with the pipe length in each cell .
I don't know Geopandas, but if you have access to arcpy, you can do it like this:
grid = "path:/to/grid.shp"
pipes = "path:/to/pipes.shp"
grid_id_field = "GridID" # unique identifier of your grid features
pipe_length_field = "PipeLength" # name of the new field
# intersect grid and pipes
intersection = arcpy.analysis.Intersect([grid, pipes], "memory/intersection")
# read intersection into a list
# [ (GridID, PipeShape) ]
intersection_list = [row for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(intersection, [grid_id_field, "SHAPE@"])]
# add the new field to the grid
arcpy.management.AddField(grid, pipe_length_field, "DOUBLE")
# loop through the grid and fill the new field
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(grid, [grid_id_field, pipe_length_field]) as cursor:
for grid_id, pipe_length in cursor:
# get all pipe shapes in this grid cell
pipe_shapes = [d[1] for d in intersection_list if d[0] == grid_id]
# get total length of those shapes
pipe_length = sum([s.length for s in pipe_shapes])
# update field values
cursor.updateRow([grid_id, pipe_length])
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