I know I can have them shown in different parts of the SAME window, but I want to be able to MOVE, RESIZE, and MINIMIZE them as I used to.
Not going to happen with the current ArcMap... it has been suggested on https://community.esri.com/community/arcgis-ideas?sr=search&searchId=ced7f68e-02d6-4948-9a3d-be724a5...
This is highly disappointing, agreed. People that copy and paste a lot of info this is frustrating. It is especially handicapping if you have multiple monitors. This is one thing Pro has better so far.. (it's fixed in Pro)
actually, the multiple view, layouts and tables existed in ArcView 2/3.x projects (aka *.apr files) ... it was only with the advent of the ArcGIS series that these useful options were removed. Perhaps now with the Pro line (aka *.aprx ) that maybe things will begin to reappear