I'm trying to set feature symbology's from .lyrx files in a python script tool but am running into issues. The code runs with no errors but the .lyrx symbologies aren't applied (ie the symbologies don't change after script completion). I've opened a case with ESRI support, but it hasn't been much help. On the tool documentation page it says...
To see the symbology created in a script tool, the tool must include the layer as a derived output parameter. Similarly, the Updated Input Layer parameter value must be added as a derived model parameter model tool to see the symbology changes.”
How can I successfully implement that into this code? I tried in Line 32 but had no luck.
def apply_lyrx(map_object, lyrx_folder):
Applys .lyrx files to layers in the TOC according to layer name
- map_object (arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject("").activeMap): Map object
- lyrx_folder (path): path to .lyrx source folder
# Loop through layers in the TOC
for lyr in map_object.listLayers():
if "primary" in lyr.name.lower():
lyrx_file = "Primary.lyrx"
elif "secondary" in lyr.name.lower():
lyrx_file = "Secondary.lyrx"
elif "pole" in lyr.name.lower() and "anno" not in lyr.name.lower():
lyrx_file = "Pole.lyrx"
elif "anno" in lyr.name.lower():
lyrx_file = "Pole_Anno.lyrx"
lyrx_file = "clip_poly.lyrx"
symb_path = os.path.join(lyrx_folder, lyrx_file)
# apply .lyrx file
if lyr.isFeatureLayer:
arcpy.ApplySymbologyFromLayer_management(lyr, symb_path)
# Set layer as derived output parameter
arcpy.SetParameterAsText(0, lyr)
arcpy.AddMessage(f"'{lyrx_file}' applied to '{lyr}'")
arcpy.AddMessage(f"'{lyr.name}' is not a feature layer...")
arcpy.AddMessage("All .lyrx files applied...")
PS: see attached .txt file for a stand-alone version of this code that works when run in the python window (symbologies get updated)... so I know it's something when running ApplySymbologyFromLayer() in a script tool.
I've run into this same problem before.
What worked for me was not using:
but instead using: