I have a shapefile of France that is supposed to be in the NTF_Lambert_Zone_II coordinate system. However, the location and the scale of the map are clearly wrong (Top= 615.182700 m; Bottom= 30.000000 m; Left= 20.000000 m; Right= 620.000000 m).
I have another shapefile in the same coordinate system with the correct coordinates (Top= 2677440.815485 m; Bottom= 1617402.839798 m; Left= 47307.978910 m; Right= 1197895.634978 m). I have tried to just change the X and Y of the wrong map by going to the Catalog --> Properties--> Feature Extent, but nothing happens. Anyone knows how I could get the initial map to the right location and scale?
The extents of the first shapefile almost look like those of an image in terms of rows and columns.
Guessing won't help. Do you know what the extent is supposed to be with the Lambert for your region?
It might be useful to rename the *.prj file to *.xxx, then reload the shapefile into a new dataframe without any data added so you can check the extents of the file unmuddied by other files... then report
Hi, Dan. Thanks for your answer. I tried doing that and I get the same extent as before. Yes, I know what the correct coordinates should be in NTF_Lambert_Zone_II (Top= 2677440.815485 m; Bottom= 1617402.839798 m; Left= 47307.978910 m; Right= 1197895.634978 m), but I don't know how to assign them. I have tried to just change the X and Y of the wrong map by going to the Catalog --> Properties--> Feature Extent, but nothing happens.
Assigning them new values won't do anything to fix the problem.
I would try a different copy of the file or if you got it from elsewhere, get a clean copy.
If the file is indeed what it is.. and you have reference points on both files, all you can do is try
Perhaps the shapefile is just an export from a CAD file which had no true spatial referencing to begin with.
It is an export from Phildigit and I think indeed that it doesn't have spatial referencing indeed. Is there any way how I can add it?
You would have to check that software. That isn't an ArcMap problem and it can't be solved by it in any event
ok, thanks!