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How does the Attribute Assistant update the table GenerateID in a versioned environment (SDE 10.2)

06-23-2015 11:21 AM
Frequent Contributor

Hello everyone,

How the table “GenerateID” is added to a map and updated when working in an SDE versioned environment, when the table "GenerateID” is not versioned.

When the attribute assitant runs the rule “GENERATE_ID_BY_INTERSECT” it needs to save the next available sequence in  the table "GenerateID”, but if the table is not versioned the rule returns an empty string.


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2 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

Non versioned data can be edited and it how the tools work.  The code performs a non versioned edit on the data table.  If the table is versioned, you will get duplicate IDs.  Can you review the Attribute Assistant log file and post the section for the generate ID?  Can you verify you can edit the table manually in arcmap( you will have to enable non versioning editing in the editor options). I am guessing it is a permission issue on the table.

Also, you may want to create a separate GDB just for the generate ID table to ensure duplicates do not appear. 

What database are you using(SQL Server, Oracle, etc?)

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Frequent Contributor

Hi Mike,

The table is not versioned and has an SDE role that allows to edit the table in a regular ArcMap session  after unchecking the Versioning editing in the editor options.

Let me check the log file.

We are using ArcSDE 10.2 with Oracle 11.

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