We are running ArcCatalog 10.3.1 and we have two tables that were deleted by a developer that is no longer on the team. Although I don't see the tables in ArcCatalog anymore when I look at the database connection for the schema owner, I see entries in SDE.GEOMETRY_COLUMNS and SDE.LAYERS for these two tables. Is there a step to clean up these using ArcCatalog or is there a process to follow? Should I not worry about this data existing for non-existent tables?
Thanks in advance!
tagging Managing Data Geodatabase
Also tagging Thomas Colson other of the Hacking ArcSDE blog....since he usually has some good ArcSDE tricks. and this will at least give a bump to your questions.
Create a simple Table from the database end with the exact same name and using the same Data Owner.
Open ArcCatalog and then delete that table. It should remove those orphaned entries.