Hi David. There is info about downloading Survey123 data in the https://community.esri.com/groups/survey123/blog/2015/11/10/downloading-data-captured-with-survey123... blog post. The reason why you see choice1, choice 2 etc is because these are the actual geodatabase domain values that get persisted when surveys are authored from the Web Designer. In the Web Designer, the labels you give to the choices in choice-lists are used to define the geodatabase coded value domain descriptions, but the actual geodatabase coded value domain values are automatically created with the convention choice0, choice1 etc
If you would like to have full control over the geodatabase coded value domain you will want to download your survey to Survey123 Connect for ArcGIS and define the coded value domain values in the XLSForm. This video describes how to create choice lists using XLSForms in Survey123 Connect for ArcGIS. Note that the Label column is used for the Descriptions, and the Name column for the actual values.
You are wonderful. Many thanks. I did copy the file, exported as a shape file and as a package. I eventually decided that I had to use Connect - but when I tried to change the actual geodatabase domain values in Connect, it gave me gave me an error. But I will try again knowing I am on the right track.
I saw my Web Designer version in Survey123 Connect, so I presume I can edit the Connect version (and save as a new survey)? Rather than recreating the whole anew?
Hi. Once you download the survey you authored with Web Designer into Connect, you can either overwrite the survey or create a separate using the previous as a starting point. When changing the values keep in mind the following:
Note that once you publish a survey from Survey123 Connect you can no longer use the survey to submit data from a web browser. Support for Survey123 Connect surveys from the web-based app is planned for version 2.1, which should be coming around May or so. At the moment, you can actually get your Connect surveys in the web, but only through technology that is in Beta. For details on this, you can check the Web Forms section in this blog post: https://community.esri.com/groups/survey123/blog/2017/02/24/survey123-for-arcgis-v-20-beta-available
I am so grateful.
The rub is in your first para. I cannot take that work. All the rest I was aware of - I had read your GeoNet. Thanks.
In Connect, I opened my most-recent web designer version. I opened the Excel version, saved to a new name. Edited one database field name (column 2). Saved . I then get the error message “Error converting XLSForm There has been a problem trying to replace $ with the Path to the survey element ‘field0’. …”
Clearly I am trying to edit the old version and I have not established a brand new and therefore unpublished and editable version. Why will it not me overwrite?
Re your 2. I do want to change the geodatabase field names (from the ‘field_0’ to my meaningful “Sitecode”). I have not knowingly made any further reference to be altered.
How do I overwrite or create a separate? The later seems a better option given the old works and has data attached.
To clone your Web Designer survey: In the Survey Gallery in Connect, click on the small menu button in the lower-right corner of your survey and select: Create a new survey.
To overwrite your Web Designer survey: Open the survey preview and hit Publish
Given that you plan on changing field names, I recommend that you create a new survey.
By the way, I noticed you added your thread to the Developers Group. For future Survey123 specific questions you may want to post into the Survey123 for ArcGIS Group. You will get more visibility.
I am making the cloned version work. Many thanks. Your image was a critical help.
Yes - I did initially go to the Developers Group, in my ignorance. Thanks for redirecting me.
I am also v troubled that the “Date now” puts a day earlier in the server version, though it is/was correct on the phone.
When you use Date or DateTime questions in your survey, we store the user input in the Feature Service as a DateTime value in UTC. If you look at the values of your Feature Service from a Web Map, the DateTime value displayed should use your locale to determine the correct conversion. May you are looking at the data with a client that is not converting Date objects to local time... and what you are looking at is the UTC time.
Ah - if do not save the Excel version but if I “Update survey from XLSForm…” I make progress. Thank goodness.
Re the DateNow issue - I am reporting that the Date now does not match the Time now - one might be in UTC (and is clearly ‘wrong’) but the Time now is local and correct. That apparent muddled mix is a problem. We are agreed I need to explore the UTC verse local times. Thank you - at least I know what to explore. Many thanks. David