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how can i export data to personal geodatabase

12-26-2017 10:03 PM
Emerging Contributor


Im GIS developer i want some one to help me in writing code in VB.NET   to  export an sde feature class to personal geodatabase 

i have a layer in arcmap that come from sdedatabase i want to export it to personal geodatabase 



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8 Replies
MVP Emeritus

What version of ArcMap and arcsde, in case it matters, since personal geodatabases indicate older versions

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Is it really necessary to export to a Personal Geodatabase (.mdb)? This format is really old and Esri recommends to move towards the File Geodatabase. I did find a "museum piece" of code based on VB6 that shows how to do this conversion. I'm sure you can port it to VB.Net: Copying a feature dataset from an ArcSDE geodatabase to a personal geodatabase 

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Honored Contributor

File Geodatabase is not compatible with anything outside of ESRI!  A Personal Geodatabase can be read from almost any other application. 

Please vote on keeping this option within Pro 

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Emerging Contributor

hello thanks a lot for your help

not it not necessary to personal....  it  is OK even to export to file geodatabase

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Emerging Contributor

ArcMap  10.3.1

sde 10.3.1

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MVP Emeritus

The question becomes, why are you having to use for older software, when there are builtin tools within the arc* suite that don't require any coding what-so-ever.  Perhaps you can elaborate on why your focus is so limiting

Emerging Contributor

Because i was developing add Inn application with certain tools and commands  over arcmap and i want to develop add inn command in my toolbar that will help end user to export a layer to personal geodatabase or file geodatabase so user can use it in his work .. actually the end user are not  a gis user who know how to work with  ArcMap they want to click button to export map without  any interaction from their side 

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Esri Regular Contributor


If you need to write a code for ArcMap you should open a post in the ArcObjects community.

In ArcObjects code you can call any GP tool easily, this is the best way in most cases.

here: arcobjects-sdk-community-samples/Net/Geoprocessing/GPGeodatabaseConversion at master · Esri/arcobjec...  you can find an example of using GP tools for conversion of data. I think it is almost what you need.

Have Fun
