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Field Order

06-11-2015 09:08 AM
Emerging Contributor

I'm trying to find the right object/method/property to be able to see how the ArcMap user has configured the fields in feature layers and tables. Specifically, how the field display order has changed by modifying the Fields tab setting for a layer or table. I see where the iFieldInfo property is for getting the visibility for the field, but can't find information about how the user has set the order of the fields in that Fields tab property page.

Anyone have any pointers?


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There is the IFieldsEdit interface which has the count and a Field function that returns the field at the specified index.  You should be able to set up a loop there and get the fields.  You can also add and delete fields.

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Emerging Contributor

Is that the field index based on the way the feature class is defined, or is it based on the field order that the user has opted for through the Fields tab on the Layer Properties in ArcMap.

What I’m looking for is information about how the user has ordered the fields for display in the Identify, Attributes and Table view of the data, which might be a different order than how the feature class was designed in the feature class as seen when looking at the data in ArcCatalog..…

I’ll look into your pointer….


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