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Dynamicmapservicelayer load time

08-12-2015 05:19 PM
Deactivated User

With many layers, the load time is really long when viewed through a web app viewer. If I use this example to generate a map, and have the list of layers unchecked by default, will it minimize load time?

I'm trying to figure out if dynamicamapservicelayer preloads all the layers, or it only fetches a layer when checked using layer.setVisibleLayers(visible);

Thanks for looking.

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor


I've had luck generalizing geometries (smoothing features by reducing vertices) and using the FeatureLayer class in ON_DEMAND mode:

FeatureLayer (legacy) | API Reference | ArcGIS API for JavaScript

In my case, I had a large number of polygons that needed to display at a large map scale, so scaling wasn't an option.

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