I am having an issue with Arcade fetching related records when using a FeatureServer layer in the WebMap. The code:
var tbl = FeatureSetByName($datastore,"Raptor_Protection_Repeat");
var code = $feature.GUID;
var sql = "GUID = '" + code + "'";
var related_data = Filter(tbl, sql);
var cnt = Count(related_data);
var result = cnt + " related records";
if (cnt > 0) {
// loop through related records
for (var row in related_data) {
// read some data and create the line you want
var line = TextFormatting.NewLine + " - " + row.PROTECTION;
// add the line to the result
result += line;
} else {
result = "No related records:";
// return the result
return result;
This works as expected if the layer in the Map is https://myserver.com/arcgis/rest/services/Raptor_Protection/Raptor_Protection/MapServer/0
But for this application, I need https://myserver.com/arcgis/rest/services/Raptor_Protection/Raptor_Protection/FeatureServer/0
When I try the above code as an arcade expression on the FeatureServer layer, I get the following error:
Execution Error:Feature Not Found
The console produces the count and sql as expected. It seems to fail on loop, specifically "var row in related_data".
In Dev tools (chrome) I see the following error: /portal/jsapi/jsapi4/:346 [esri.tasks.support.optimizedFeatureSet] convertToFeatureSet:unknown-geometry [object Object]
Any insight here would be greatly appreciated!
Jim Faron