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Alternatives to SQL Spatial?

07-07-2017 08:59 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hey everyone! I'm redesigning the City of Charlotte's GIS application suite and the previous developer was a big fan of C#.

I've picked up enough to transfer the app away from the Google API and into the JS API and maintain 90% of the functionality, but some of the custom pop-ups invoke SQL Spatial queries (i.e. "SELECT J.[Name] [Jurisdiction], S.[Name] [Sphere Of Influence(ETJ)] FROM dbo.Jurisdictions_py J left join dbo.SpheresOfInfluence_py S ON geometry::STGeomFromText('POINT(@x @y)', {SRID}).STIntersects(S.SHAPE) = 1 WHERE geometry::STGeomFromText('POINT(@x @y)', {SRID}).STIntersects(J.SHAPE) = 1").

Perhaps unsurprisingly, this is cumbersome and, should the app need a refresh, the developer would need to be be comfortable with the obscure SQL Spatial protocols. The .NET / C# language is also generally not in the typical GIS Developer's wheelhouse, in my own experience. 

I've used Python to invoke the ArcPy module, but, given that I will need to execute >50 of these spatial queries, hosting this as a GP server on ArcGIS Enterprise would have performance hits that wouldn't work. I'm not familiar with a JS or a JQuery module, but they may exist... or another language!

Does anyone know of any programmatic way to basically run 'Select by Location' queries in a more user friendly module so that more folks could understand, modify and troubleshoot this through the app's life cycle? 



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