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Include search distance option when performing spatial joins

04-04-2024 12:28 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor II

I'm attempting to do a spatial join and unfortunately the 2 input datasets have different spatial references. This means that the 2nd is transformed to match the first. The data should align, but the transformation means there are slight differences. These differences are resulting in features joining that should not when using the "intersects" or "contains" options. In ArcGIS Pro, i frequently add a negative search distance to reduce the chance of overlaps around the edges, but this is not possible (yet) in Data Pipelines. 

I even tried the "Near geodesic" option with a negative distance (5 metres) but that results in an error when run/previewed. 


In the screenshot below, you can see the incorrectly join areas circled. The blue hatch indicates what should have been joined - the solid yellow areas have only joined based on the slightest overlap/touch at the boundaries. 


I even tried to include a projection step prior to the spatial join to remove the slight shift, but it made no discernable difference. 


Hi @LindsayRaabe_FPCWA ,

Thanks for reaching out and sharing your idea.

Data Pipelines does not currently have plans to support a negative search distance.

Is the data you're joining public or sharable (even if it's just the geometries and no attributes)? This is an interesting use case and we'd like to investigate options. If it's sharable, please feel free to send it along to me directly at and we will take a look.

And just to confirm, when you run the exact same join in Pro (Intersect with all the same spatial references and no search radius), are the results the same as what you're seeing in Data Pipelines?

Thanks again,



Hi @BethanyScott It's not publicly shareable data , though I can share to a test group and add you - I just need your argis online username. I tried bethanyscott but it said that account had insufficient privileges?

I've just done a quick test in Pro using Model Builder then adding the output to a map. The below screenshots show the results of doing a Spatial Join... 

...using "Contains":


...using Intersect:


Both the above worked well, but only included the intersecting features in the output dataset. So I've run it again with "Add Spatial Join" to create a temporary join with all Target features retained. This yielded a similar results as Pipelines (though some areas were left of and others were returned instead). 




Thank you, these results are helpful. I've sent you a direct message with details for how to share the data with me.

