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There was an error trying to process this table.

07-18-2013 10:31 AM
Deactivated User
I have a dataset of about 32000 addresses I have been trying to geocode. Time after time I keep getting the same error message, the one in the title of this thread. I have changed names of columns, tried making it a dbf, tried removing everything but the address information, splitting the data in half to make it smaller. Regardless of what I do i get anywhere from 1%-5% done and I get the error.

Any ideas?

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44 Replies
Emerging Contributor
I was able to geocode three years, 90% of a fourth before failing, but only 10% of the fifth year. I didn't change anything. The databases have the same format. I can't figure out why it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.
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MVP Emeritus

If you haven't tried this already, open your (pre-geocoded) address table and sort ascending on the address field.  Examine the top rows.  If they look okay sort the address field in descending value, and examine the the top rows.  This is what I do when things go south on me. The objective is to isolate odd address strings including <null> values etc.
That should just about do it....
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Esri Regular Contributor
things should not be this hard, can everyone please open support calls, but be prepared to supply locators plus data.
I suspect timeout issues. Kim you are a special case - contact me.
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Deactivated User
I recently installed ArcGIS 10.2. With this version, I have been unable to Geocode addresses from an excel worksheet. I don't think it's a file size issue since I've tried to Geocode with only 3 rows and get the same error.  I didn't have this issue in the previous version and I'm using the same data. I've tried multiple solutions provided in the ESRI forums, such as 1) moving my data to a local drive rather than network drive; 2) trying a Microsoft update hotfix (; 3) changing the output location ( I also tried repairing my ArcGIS 10.2 install. Unfortunately, none of these solutions have worked in resolving the issue.

Since ArcGIS 10.2 uses World Geocode Service, I was thinking of doing what Kevin did and try 10.0 North America Geocode Service and 10.0 US Streets Geocode Service.
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Emerging Contributor
I recently installed ArcGIS 10.2. With this version, I have been unable to Geocode addresses from an excel worksheet. I don't think it's a file size issue since I've tried to Geocode with only 3 rows and get the same error. I didn't have this issue in the previous version and I'm using the same data. I've tried multiple solutions provided in the ESRI forums, such as 1) moving my data to a local drive rather than network drive; 2) trying a Microsoft update hotfix (; 3) changing the output location ( I also tried repairing my ArcGIS 10.2 install. Unfortunately, none of these solutions have worked in resolving the issue.

Since ArcGIS 10.2 uses World Geocode Service, I was thinking of doing what Kevin did and try 10.0 North America Geocode Service and 10.0 US Streets Geocode Service.

Update: I reloaded the following locators: TA_Address_NA_10 and TA_Streets_US_10 from TA_Street_US_10 worked. However, nothing happened with TA_Address_NA_10. I also added the World Geocoding Service again. Unfortunately, the same "error trying to process" message appeared.

Hopefully, the issue is resolved before 12/31/13.
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Honored Contributor
Maybe don't use a spreadsheet as a data source because all the text fields will be 255 character wide and all numbers floating point?

Use Microsoft schema.ini to load from a csv dump of the sheet or use FME to load with valid field names and normal widths. Many people have trouble with the default loading of spreadsheets for any geoprocessing, not just locating.

Putting the source on a local drive is a good idea, but if it is a spreadsheet it's still a bad format to use in data processing.
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Emerging Contributor
Just to throw this out there, I have tried geocoding from xlsx files, csv files, and mdb files. All give the same error. All start the process and fail later. The program needs to be able to deal with data from any source that allows you to click on it and it needs to be able to ignore errors and continue geocoding. All errors should be noted in another output. This is 2013 and this problem existed all the way back in 2003. This should not be happening still.
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Emerging Contributor
Update: I actually uninstalled ArcMap 10 SP5

I am now on ArcMap 10 with the following service packs and patches
SP3 Patch for Geocoding

Now the same lists I was using before will complete.
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Emerging Contributor
Update 2: The problem is back
I attempted a list of 8,000 records or so and it got through about 2,200 and displayed the same error. Of course never telling me which records was the problem or what the problem even was.
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MVP Emeritus
Update 2: The problem is back
I attempted a list of 8,000 records or so and it got through about 2,200 and displayed the same error. Of course never telling me which records was the problem or what the problem even was.

Two suggestions;
1)If you can, post your data here and let someone (me for instance) give it a go.  ( you can shoot me a message about it if you want.)

2)Get ESRI tech-support involved.  I can appreciate your frustration on this, but as I mentioned earlier, I geocode thousands upon thousands of addresses per year, and never with so much as a hic up. And I've been doing it in ArcGIS since version 8.1.  (Arcview 3.x and ArcInfo before that but, that was a long long time ago...)
That should just about do it....
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