We have zoning snapshots from pre-2000 that were saved as ArcInfo coverages. Because ArcGIS Pro can't read coverages, we are working on a python script to convert them to file geodatabase feature classes and annotation. Quick question: were the AREA and PERIMETER 'items' (fields) in a polygon attribute table maintained by the ArcInfo software, similarly to how ArcGIS maintains the shape_area and shape_length in geodatabases these days? I think the answer was yes, but it would be good to get some confirmation. Also, could ArcInfo users edit the AREA and PERMITER fields? Again, I think I know the answer: No. But please confirm.
I can't confirm (or deny) what you are asking, but if my memory serves me and it's up to a bet, my money is on what you think. Good ol' ArcInfo maintained Area & Perimeter but a user could not edit those values.
My (hazy) memory was that they were in the INFO file, and could be edited, but would be clobbered by the next BUILD or CLEAN.
- V
(Since 4.01/5.0-beta)
Maybe it was just conventional wisdom to not to edit them.
@VinceAngelo ; You are stuck on a desert island and you can only have one data structure. Coverage or Shape File: which do you choose?
Poison starfish (if I can't run PostgreSQL on coconuts with vines and ferrous rocks for cores).
- V