Good afternoon
I have a feature of points <Points_defauts> that has a related table, used to store the evolution of a certain object
I am trying to do a table join in ArcMap, in order to obtain the latest record.
I started to do a definition query in the related table in order to get the latest value collected, an then do the table join.
In my related table I have has an external Key field [Point_ID] and a field date [CreationDate].
I just want to have the latest record, based on the date field.
In made some google and I found this query:
However, an expression error is the only result I have.
Is this expression possible in ArcMap?
What I am doing wrong??
Sorry, but I’m newbie in sql expressions…
If you haven't done so already, I suggest you read About joining and relating tables—ArcMap | Documentation (
You mention "my related table," have you set up a table relation in the software between the two tables, or are you just talking about two tables that are related logically but you haven't created a formal relation between them in ArcMap?
I have done the relationship 1:N in the geodatabase correctly, with intern and external key.
my problem is after… I have several rows with same ID with different dates
i want make a query view in the related table that give me only the last register based on date
in AGOL it is possible, but I need to have the same function in ArcMap
Help please.. can anyone help me?