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Split line at point tool error

11-06-2012 03:43 AM
New Contributor II

I am attempting to split a line based on several points which fall on it (they align perfectly as they were created on this line). For some reason, this isn't working and either doesn't split the line at all or splits it in two, when there are several points. Another thread suggests this is a bug but nothing came of it:

Does anybody have any ideas? (using 10.0)

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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor
I found that if you don't specify a search radius, the tool won't split properly, or not at all.
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Esri Contributor
Hi Rob,

Jamie is right.  Specify a search distance in the tool's parameter window and you should get a split for each point.  Depending on the tolerance, etc. of the data, you may have to manipulate the search distance value and run it a few times until you get it just right.

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Regular Contributor
Any chance this tool can be made to work more accurately.

My goal is to cut a line where they intersect a series of other lines so I have used the "Intersect" tool to create points of intersection so I can then use the "Split Line at Point" tool.

All these splits work satisfactorily except for one - for this one I have to increase the search radius to ~0.5m and then, as shown in the attached picture, the split in the line (shown by the arrow heads) is 0.26m from where I need it to be i.e. on the point.
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