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Reshaping a feature gives an internal error with the geometry system

07-14-2011 07:18 AM
Frequent Contributor
Hello there,

I am editing in ArcMap 10.0.2. I have created some features, one of which is an ellipse. I have clipped a larger feature using this.

How I am trying to reshape a feature which adjoins this but when I do so I get the following:

"The Reshape task could not be completed.
An internal error has occurred in the geometry system."

Is this a bug or just the way ArcMap works?

I'm also find that edges of polygons clipped using ellipses and circles do not edge match.

Kind regards

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7 Replies
Emerging Contributor
I don't know the answer to this particular problem but when things like this happen to me I use the Featureclass to Featureclass toolbox. It might be worth trying to run this tool on the featureclass containing the elipse and see if it helps. In the past I have found that it seems to "clear out " problem elements!
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New Contributor
I got the same Reshape error working in ArcGIS 10 personal geodatabase. I saved the mxd in 9.3 to troubleshoot the problem and didn't get the error. After couple of hour of struggle, I exported the file from personal geodatabase to Shapefile format and tried Reshaping again in ArcGIS 10, that seem to work. I am having wierd issues with ArcGIS 10, hope these issues will get resolved in next version (or service pack).
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Frequent Contributor
I got the same Reshape error working in ArcGIS 10 personal geodatabase. I saved the mxd in 9.3 to troubleshoot the problem and didn't get the error. After couple of hour of struggle, I exported the file from personal geodatabase to Shapefile format and tried Reshaping again in ArcGIS 10, that seem to work. I am having wierd issues with ArcGIS 10, hope these issues will get resolved in next version (or service pack).

I have started another thread enquiring what situations a reshape task may not be completed. It may be that it is linked to this issue. Perhaps if ESRI can post situations where it would occur, it may help us users. If they can't then it may be that users can post, providing ESRI with more information for them to figure out why it occurs.

Kind regards

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Deactivated User
I am getting this error as well, but after messing around, I found that if you move one of the feature's vertices before you use the reshape tool, this error goes away.  you can move a vertex, move it back to its original location, and then begin using the reshape tool.  Very strange.
New Contributor

It works!! thank you

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MVP Alum
I got the same Reshape error working in ArcGIS 10 personal geodatabase. I saved the mxd in 9.3 to troubleshoot the problem and didn't get the error. After couple of hour of struggle, I exported the file from personal geodatabase to Shapefile format and tried Reshaping again in ArcGIS 10, that seem to work. I am having wierd issues with ArcGIS 10, hope these issues will get resolved in next version (or service pack).

By exporting to Shapefile format the non-linear geometry (circular, ellipse, bezier) was densified and converted to linear geometry (the curve is broken into short segments that are straight lines).  This  is because Shapefiles are incapable of supporting non-linear geometry, while a geodatabase can.  If your objective was to get the process to preserve your non-linear geometry you did not succeed.  Possibly the reason edges do not match as reported in other parts of this thread is that densification may be occurring in other geoprocessing steps and it will always occur if the output is to a Shapefile.
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Frequent Contributor
Possibly the reason edges do not match as reported in other parts of  this thread is that densification may be occurring in other  geoprocessing steps and it will always occur if the output is to a  Shapefile.

My data was held via an ArcSDE Geodatabase and stored in Oracle 10g database. In one case I was only digitising; clipping; spiting and reshaping using one feature class. It would be a case of creating a feature; creating another and then clipping the larger feature to create a whole or a mixture of this. I might also do some tracing.

More recently I raised the issue with ESRI UK, as I found geometric errors in my ArcSDE geodatabase feature class and I couldn't do a dissolve. By being able providing clear steps to them in respect of the incorrect ring ordering error, they were able to replicate the issue very quickly. It since has been given the bug number: NIM074901 [].

I still have outstanding issues with respect to incorrect segment orientation and self intersections. With respect to the latter, an ESRI support guy checked and clean up one particular self intersection, after exporting an extract of my data to a file geodatabase. This then deleted a single point. However when looking at it, he couldn't see that the point, that was deleted, was self intersecting. It is in the early stages with that investigation so it may still be intersecting, although it appears not to be. These and the other errors were all created whilst digitising; clipping; splitting or  reshaping the same feature class. Some of the reshaping was against data imported from shapefiles and I was tracing this existing data from time to time. However was all stored in an ArcSDE geodatabase at the stage the errors had occurred.

I feel all the issues are possibly caused during the translation of ESRI format data to Oracle's SDO_geometry format. I've also found ways to generate null geometries. This is related more to working with the attribute data but it also shows that invalid geometries can be entered in the an ArcSDE Geodatabase. Personally I think the best issue at the moment would be to offer a repair geometry function for data stored in such a geodatabase. It's certainly very interesting problem.

Kind regards
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