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Attributes missing for some users after nightly script?

07-05-2022 06:50 AM
Labels (3)
New Contributor

Each day editors save, reconcile, and post their work and then afterhours we automate a script similar to this:

Recently, attributes that were modified or added have gone missing after our nightly script runs. New features stay in place but the new attributes are gone. In some cases deleted features have been returned overnight. For now this seems to be happening 1-2 times a week. Has anybody else had a similar situation with their data? Any help is appreciated. We already have a Esri support ticket in the works as well, just figured I would see if anyone else has witnessed this. 

Software Information:

Editors are using ArcMap 10.6.1

SQL Server 2014 for our 10.6.1 databases. We have a edit (Parent) and public (Child) database. 

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