Maybe this one is an easy fix, but I just can't see the difference.
I have a raster dataset in a file geodatabase that looks smooth and good at all scales. I imported it to SDE geodatabase and set the same parameters for compression and pyramids (which I build after the import operation), but the raster looks very coarsely compared at small scales. Calculated statistics trying, but the results do not vary. Any suggestions are appreciated.
little things, like are the cell sizes the same?
Hi Dan,
yes...same cell size.
Can you provide a comparative screenshot? Is it just a display thing - have you applied the same kind and amount of stretching to each raster?
This link may help if it is purely a display issue
Improving the display of raster data—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
but I didn't quickly see anything directly regarding SDE
Screenshots of the rasters...
File Geodatabase
And when you zoom in does it still remain crummy? Nothing in the link I provided suggested any clues if everything is identical?
As I zoom in the raster display better until it shows almost the same. I imagine there must be something about with the pyramids but I set the same parameters when creating them and yet can't make them display as expected. I recreated the pyramid just specifying the compression format and resampling method, but the result is the same.
Well, if that is the case, and everything is exactly as you said, then my only conclusion is that an SDE geodatabase handles pyramids and the like differently than a file geodatabase or there is a bug or something has been missed. I will defer to those that use SDE and can provide some enlightenment. Good luck
Unless this is coincidence, have a look at this thread and Robert's and Jake's answers