Is there a way I can sample random raster pixels with a minimum distance from a satellite image? I need each randomly-chosen pixel to have a pre-defined minimum distance in order to minimize spatial autocorrelation, and I would be sampling from the near infrared band. I also need to output the sampled pixels into a new raster .tif file. Is there a way to do this in ArcGIS, ArcPy/Arc toolbox or even Python? Thanks.
Spaced points in Point Tools then perhaps
Extract by Points—Help | ArcGIS Desktop
Extract Values to Points—Help | ArcGIS Desktop
Extract Multi Values to Points—Help | ArcGIS Desktop or
Extracting cell values to point features—Help | ArcGIS Desktop (maybe best?)
You could use arcpy.da.RasterToNumPyArray to spit out your raster layer I suppose then do the sampling from there