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Problem with using "project" tool- a self made geographic transformation (produced by "Create Custom Geographic Transformation" tool) not working

05-15-2018 06:17 AM
New Contributor

I'm trying to convert data I have acquired on my iPhone (I think it is WGS84, an example for coordination seems like this 33.16000098 35.6926944) to ITM grid coordination system.

In order to get a better transformation than the default I used the "Create Custom Geographic Transformation" tool to form a better geographic transformation (following to specific instructions on how to form the transformation).

Than I tried to use the "Project" tool

After filling the "output coordination system" box, a warning pops stating "WARNING 001839 A datum transformation is expected, but the parameter is empty" (see attached a print screen image 1)

When writing the transformation file name in the "Geographic Transformation (optional)" box, an error sign appeared next to the box which says "ERROR 000365 Invalid geographic transformation". 

(see attached a print screen image 2)

What am I doing wrong? I tried it again and again in many versions but ended up with same result. I don't think the problem is in the transformation I made because i followed the official instructions step by step and the file was created on my computer (at C:\Users \ 'UserName' \ AppData \ Roaming \ ESRI \ Desktop10.0 \ ArcToolbox \ CustomTransformations).


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1 Reply
MVP Emeritus

those folders are not great to be working in.  don't use users unless you absolutely have to and make sure folders have no spaces or other characters like ')' or begin with numbers.

That aside, try projecting it to a conventional data set to see if it works first (ie like a UTM).

You will have to provide the transformation details since they are wrong... perhaps a small error that goes unnoticed, but provide the link you were using and what you actually created.

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