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New Query layer

02-14-2014 11:59 AM
Occasional Contributor
I have a postgres 9.3 connected to Arcgis 10.1. I have defined the primary key on my  database  shapefile table, but every time i query the layer into gis i need to set in the advanced  new query options the primary key field in order to open the attribute table. How can i make Arcgis to remember which is the primary key of the shapefile so i don't have to keep selecting manually the PK?
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5 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
It's not possible for ArcGIS to "remember" the registered rowid column of a newly defined
Query Layer table.  All the remembering is done by ArcSDE metadata, but Query Layers
don't have ArcSDE metadata.

Shapefiles have no direct association with Query Layer tables or enterprise geodatabase
feature classes.

- V
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Occasional Contributor
It's not possible for ArcGIS to "remember" the registered rowid column of a newly defined
Query Layer table.  All the remembering is done by ArcSDE metadata, but Query Layers
don't have ArcSDE metadata.

Shapefiles have no direct association with Query Layer tables or enterprise geodatabase
feature classes.

- V

So every time i need to open a shapefile i need to assign a pk out of all the fields?
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
What does a shapefile have to do with Query Layers?

- V
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Occasional Contributor
If my shapefile is in a database, then they only way to display it in arcgis is through the add quary layer option right?
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Esri Esteemed Contributor
This is important: Once data is loaded into a database, it's no longer in the format that was used to load it. What you have is a table, not a shapefile.  And yes, each time you reference a table into a new Query Layer, you'll need to set it up again. - V
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