If it were a positive W issue wouldn't it appear as 130 E instead of 50 E? Am I missing something? These are swaths, which, to me at least, means that the lat/long values are separate layers in the file. Usually I don't work with swaths, so I think of the coordinate system usually being described in the metadata and Arc then calculates the lat/long for each point. Is that perception correct? What does Arc do with a swath, if I am correct in thinking that the lat/long data is only presented as separate file layers? To be more exact, at the western most extent of the map, Arc claims it is 44.45E while the longitude layer value is -135.968. On the eastern most extent, Arc = 77 and long layer = -102.876. (Keep in mind that I get these values using the Inquire tool, so they probably aren't exactly the western most and eastern most values.) It seems conspicuous that each pair of values almost add up to 180 deg, but I haven't been able to think of a reason why. One curiosity that persistently nags at me is that the values in the lat/long layers do range from -180 to 180, which is what Arc expects, so why does it think that it is seeing long values of 44.45 to 77 instead?
To answer your question, the state is correctly oriented, so I'd say that the data is not flipped. I've attached an image so that you can see as well.[ATTACH=CONFIG]31467[/ATTACH]