5.1. Descaling the SDS data
The local attributes �??scale_factor�?� and �??add_offset,�?� attached to each and every SDS, are used for the conversion of stored (packed) SDS integer data to geophysical floating point numbers. The formula to descale the data follows conventional HDF usage (see HDF User�??s Guide):Geophysical Float Value = scale_factor * (Stored Integer - add_offset).
The units of the unpacked geophysical floating point value are indicated by the �??units�?� local attribute that is also provided with each SDS.
The �??valid_range�?� local attribute applies to the packed data (before de-scaling). The two valid range values given are the expected low and high values of valid (non-fill) packed data.
It is probably confusing to most users that the HDF convention calls the offset
�??add_offset�?� even though it�??s subtracted from the stored integer when unpacking the da-
ta. It seems likely that this terminology originated from the programmer�??s, and not the
end user�??s, perspective, since to pack the data the offset is added.