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Joining Census tract to this Excel table is giving me fits.

04-27-2017 07:29 AM
Deactivated User


I'm on a time crunch or would read through and find the answer that certainly exist here. I want to join census tract to the excel file attached and nothing I am attempting is working. I did this 3 times with very similar files yesterday and no problem. Ive hit a wall and need some guidance. Thank you for taking the time.

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4 Replies
MVP Emeritus

What is the common field between the two? The content and field type need to be the same if you doing a join

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Deactivated User

I downloaded the Tiger shapefile and added a field to its table  Census_Trc (double) calculated based on GEOID. The I added the same field (double) Census_Trc to the Meriden census table but abbreviated the GEOID number using Python script. Thus both have the Census_Trc field. I am not figuring out how to create a matching field on the crime table to base the final join on.

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Frequent Contributor

The only way you could use the excel file is to do a spatial join to the census tract polygons?

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Deactivated User

Wow, It worked but only captured 17/190 records. Just so happens that the Meriden census table has 17 rows. But the data joined matches correctly. Getting closer. Thank you so much. I still dont see how to get the rest but its an improvement. I might need to spit the crime table into sections of 17 rows? Seems convoluted but should work.

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