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invalid DBA password when executing sdemon -o kill remotely

08-05-2011 11:44 AM
New Contributor III
I can successfully kill sde processes when I issue the command on the SDE server itself, but from a remote box, the same command with the correct password generates an invalid DBA password error. What gives?
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4 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Which RDBMS?  Are you using OS authentication?  Are the boxes on the same domain?

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New Contributor II
Which RDBMS?  Are you using OS authentication?  Are the boxes on the same domain?

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Oracle 11g
No OS authentication only DB authentication
The boxes are on the same domain

A bit of background on this issue is that we've recently upgraded from 9.3.1 sp2 to 10.0 sp2.

The database lives on a unix box and that is where the kill command can be executed successfully.  However we had previously been able to execute remotely from a Windows Server 2003 x 64 box by installing the SDE command library there.  Since the upgrade this no longer seems to work properly.
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New Contributor III
And to add that. We did install the ArcSDE 10 library on the remote Windows server.
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New Contributor
did you solve this problem?
we using oracle11g and ArcSDE SP2 on an seperate Server too. When we execute the "sdemon -o kill -t 64678 -s xxx -i 5151 -u sde -p xxx -N" statement we are getting the same error "Invalid DBA password, Unable to kill server 64678". The Password is correct and the sde user get's the dba role. By using the "killp.exe" ( it works, but there are no additional parameters for using.

kind regards,
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