Here's a starting point using Python. This only reads your csv and outputs a polygon for all the points. It gets a little more complicated to create separate polygons for each ID, to write out all the attributes, etc.
>>> import csv # import csv library
... polys = [] # list to hold polygon geometry
... with open(r'C:\junk\pointcsv.csv', 'rb') as csvFile: # open csv file
... csvFile.readline() # skip header
... csvReader = csv.reader(csvFile) # create csv reader
... polyPoints = arcpy.Array() # array to hold points
... for row in csvReader: # read csv
... polyPoints.append(arcpy.Point(row[2],row[3])) # create point and add to array
... polys.append(arcpy.Polygon(polyPoints,arcpy.SpatialReference(4326))) # create polygon and add to list
... arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(polys, r'in_memory\polys') # write out polygons
Unless you're committed to learning Python, your best bet is probably to add your csv as points, convert to line, then convert to polygon.