I am working on a project in ArcGIS Pro 2.5.1 in which I am mapping reviewing territories for staff who are assigned to various programs in a department. For example, Reviewer A may review grant projects for Counties Q, R, and S, and tax credit projects for Counties R and T.
Presently, I have a file geodatabase that contains the following:
A staff member's program assignment may include multiple counties, and a county will have multiple assigned staff members under specific programs. In other words, the many-to-many relationship between tblStaff and tblProgram itself needs to be in a many-to-many relationship with fcCounty.
I am puzzled as to how to relate a staff member's role in a specific program to their assigned counties. I've tried the following:
I've considered replacing relStaffProgram with a standalone table with relates to tblStaff and tblProgram, but I don't think this would allow me to assign selected features to a relationship in a simple manner, as with the Add Selected to Relationship tool.
Is there a method that would allow me to represent these relationships while minimizing redundancy and manual data entry?
Thank you in advance—I've long relied on search results from GeoNet to guide me as I've become familiar with ArcMap and Pro over the past few years, so I suspect that one or more solutions aren't far from here.
I get this same error message in a similar situation with Pro v2.7. I also cannot find a reference to "ERROR 001841" in the documentation.
After having fought with joins and relationship classes many times over the years without a lot of success I'm coming to the view that's it's more effecient time and aggravation -wise to never use these features, and instead rely on scripts or models to push the changes to the downstream tables and feature classes.