Editing/Selection of features/Disapearing Features

09-24-2010 07:02 AM
New Contributor III
Hi All
I am using ArcGIS10 Windows 7 on a 64-bit machine (more than passes the minimum requirements), with an ArcView license.
When I am editing in ArcMap, some of the features that I can clearly see on the screen are not selectable, even though they are set as selectable in the selectable layers. Just wondering why this is. All of our features are stored in feature datasets inside of a file geodatabase. It's funny because I have a building layer, symbolized based on a field in the attribute table, and I can only select one or two of the buildings, both when editing and not. One minute this happens, and the next, everything is alright.
Another problem that I have is features that are disappearing at certain scales. I do not have any reference scales set, they just are not there. Sometimes when I zoom out, they pop back up, right where they are supposed to be.
Another problem... When I export a map, everything looks good in the ArcMap window, but once the export is complete (to a jpeg), some features are missing.
I think everything is related somehow, but I'm not sure. Everything seems to be problematic with the layers being visible/selectable or not.
Any help would be appreciated.
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20 Replies
New Contributor
I'm having the same issue.  Features that I just digitized are disappearing.  When I zoom out they re-appear.  I don't have any scale dependencies set.  ArcMap version 10 SP1.  Anyone know what is going on?
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Occasional Contributor
I'm having the same issue.  Features that I just digitized are disappearing.  When I zoom out they re-appear.  I don't have any scale dependencies set.  ArcMap version 10 SP1.  Anyone know what is going on?

Featurelayer might be scaled or something ?
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New Contributor
Featurelayer might be scaled or something ?

Hi Venkat,

I'm not sure what you mean.  The layer is set to display at all scales.  Only some features within my feature class disappear when zoomed in, others show just fine.  But when I zoom way out all of the features a drawn.  Very strange.

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Occasional Contributor III
Using ArcGIS 10 SP1

I have this exact same problem with file geodatabases, (disappearing features). This happens on both pre-existing features and also features that were just digitized. I've also added several features and/or attributes, all the while continually saving my edits, only to open the feat. class a day later and everything be gone. I somewhat narrowed this problem to having ONLY arcmap open while editing, and completely closing ArcCatalog.

We only use 9.x file gdb's for backwards compatibility with clients who are still using ArcGIS 9. I have a notion this is something to do with it; v9.x gdb's being edited/viewed in ArcGIS v10. Interested to see if other's having these problems are using shapefiles or gdb's; if the latter, what version of gdb?
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New Contributor
Using ArcGIS 10 SP1

Interested to see if other's having these problems are using shapefiles or gdb's; if the latter, what version of gdb?

I think that must be it!  I created by File Geodatabase in ArcGIS 9.3.1 and am editing it in ArcGIS 10.  I will try updating the geodatabase to 10 and see if this still happens.  Thanks Dan.
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New Contributor
Upgrading the geodatabase from a 9.3.1 file geodatabase to a version 10 geodatabase solved the problem - Thanks for everyones help.
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Occasional Contributor III
Have experienced the disappearing features as well. Pretty sure the gdb was created in 10, though probably before SP1. Was weird because they didn't appear, so I redigitized, but then the original features reappeared during the process of attributing the newly redigitzed features. Frustrating and needless.
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New Contributor
I also had the same problem with disappearing features in a 9.3.1 file geodatabase.  I recreated the spatial index for the problem files and that seems to have fixed things.
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New Contributor
I'm having a similar problem, where features that I digitize disappear when I save edits, or when I finish sketch.  They don't come back either, they are just gone.  I've spent hours redigitizing, only to have the features disappear again.  The gdb was created in version 10, so that's not the problem.  I also have the service pack installed.  Any help would be appreciated.
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