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Editing a DBF file in excel 2010?

02-02-2012 01:16 PM
New Contributor
In older versions of excel you could open a DBF file, edit the data like you would in excel and save the file as the DBF file. In Arc you could then open the shape file with the new editied DBF file. In excel 2010 you can open the file but you can't save it. Does anyone have a way around this. Is there a free add on that we can edit DBF files with. I guess the alternative is to run a version of excel 2003 but I view this as a last resort.

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5 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
Hi Serge,

You may be able to save as dbf using Access rather than Excel.

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MVP Emeritus
or Open Office which is free
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New Contributor
You could also try the SaveDBF Excel 2010 32-bit add-in. The demo can be downloaded at
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New Contributor
How do I change a field property from double to integer? I could do this in Excel, but it does not seem to work in LibreOffice, and Excel 2007+ does not allow saving a DBF.
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Occasional Contributor

It's irritatingly roundabout but you can save to Excel, run the Excel to Table script and replace your old dbf by deleting and renaming in Windows explorer. It'd be nice if we could skip that last step by being permitted to overwrite an existing table in Excel to Table, but if wishes were horses, etc.

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